Lose Weight At Home In Just 10 Minutes A Day (New Study)

Lose Weight At Home In Just 10 Minutes A Day
here new study shows that losing weight at home may be easier than once thought. The exercise suggested by the study is so simple, you can do it in your bedroom without any equipment, and best of all, it's over in just a couple of minutes. Even better though, is the fact that you don't even break a sweat! So you save even more time by not having to shower or change your clothes.

I've personally gotten great results with this exercise. One powerful tip not mentioned in the video, is that the best time to do the exercise is just before a meal to open those Glut4 insulin-regulated glucose transporters in your muscle cells, so the carbs from your meal go in to feed your muscles, rather than to be stored as fat. For added effect, combine this with another quick set 90 minutes after a meal, when your post-meal glucose levels are at their highest.

If you do give it ago, I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below.

4 thoughts on “Lose Weight At Home In Just 10 Minutes A Day (New Study)”

  1. hi. age 48. used to be fit. i suppose i am still a “bit” fit whenever the body allows me to do the exercises. old sports injuries…….age. lol
    did the 100 no problem. now just got to do it for 8 weeks. and just started the dips and took the turmeric and olive oil.

    one question about the tumeric. how many times a day do you take the teaspoon turmeic and olive oil.


    • Hi Steve

      I take turmeric 2x/day. There’s no scientific consensus on which exact dose will reduce your man boobs. It should help if you just take it regularly – once a day at the very least, thrice a day at most.


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