Discover How Scott Reid From Texas Lost His Man Boobs (AND Lost 41 lb. In 2 Months)

What I like best about intermittent fasting is it gets you results quick–your body feels lighter literally overnight.

Mix it up with some high intensity training, and your body can literally shrink within a week.

Here's what Scott Reid from Texas, USA, told me about his experience with intermittent fasting:

“This is really interesting.

I was in my first year in college and on the track team.

I was a thrower and entered college weighing around 265-270 with a 44in waist at 6'0 tall.

I was a walk on athlete so I had to train harder than the ones with scholarships to stay on the team.

The whole first semester I got stronger and more powerful but was not losing the weight because I was eating everything in sight since my workouts were so rough.

Without giving it a thought I applied during my christmas break some of the fasting and eating principles.

I didn't even look at the scale and focused on body image.

I had man boobs that were going away and I had love handles that were disappearing by the time christmas break was over.

I got a few compliments on the weight lost over the break but I was still pudgy with love handles and man boobs.

After about two months of working out and fasting and watching what I ate, I was down to 229lbs. Wearing a size 38. I hadn't worn a size 38 since like the 9th grade and I was 20 at the time.

Then all of the articles I started reading were blasting what I was doing as really bad so I stopped and went back to eating 3-5 meals per day.

I struggled to maintain weight at 240 until now I am back up to 260.

It proves to me that this method works and worked at a time that I didn't even know (being naive and uneducated by the magazines) existed and was being published.

I am now 32 and I am going to get back on those principles that worked for me and are confirmed with this information by Garry Davidson.

I am pumped about getting my results back and my body back!”

Here are the things I thought were so powerful in Scott's email:

No Matter How Hard You Train, You'll Never Lose Your Man Boobs Unless You're Doing This As Well…

“The whole first semester I got stronger and more powerful but was not losing the weight because I was eating everything in sight since my workouts were so rough. “

The take-home message here is no matter how hard you are training, if your diet isn't in place, you won't lose any weight, and you especially won't lose your man boobs.

You are what you eat.

Sort your diet out first, then focus on your training.

You'll Get Fast Results–Get Started Today, And You Can Look Visibly Slimmer Within Two Short Weeks!

“…I applied during my christmas break some of the fasting and eating principles…

I had man boobs that were going away and I had love handles that were disappearing by the time christmas break was over.”

He started intermittent fasting during his Christmas break, and his love handles and man boobs were disappearing by the time Christmas break was over…

Those are some FAST results.

When someone approaches me and tells me they want to lose weight FAST, I tell them to start intermittent fasting TODAY!

Intermittent fasting affects you in so many ways. It does so much more than just restrict your calories…

  • it changes your genes,
  • boosts fat burning hormones (it can boost human growth hormone by as much as 2,000%!),
  • it changes the way you eat on your non-fasting days,
  • it shrinks your stomach,
  • it even enhances the results you get from your workouts!

Lose Up To 1.4 lbs A Day!

Now that's probably a bigger weight loss claim than I'm allowed to claim or guarantee on a website, but Scott Reid said it, not me!

“I was a thrower and entered college weighing around 265-270 with a 44in waist at 6'0 tall…

…After about two months of working out and fasting and watching what I ate, I was down to 229lbs. Wearing a size 38. I hadn't worn a size 38 since like the 9th grade and I was 20 at the time.”

He lost 36-41 lbs in 2 months! That's up to 1.4 lbs a day! He went from a 44 inch waist to a 38 inch waist.

More Proof That Intermittent Fasting Works Better Than What You're Probably Doing Right Now…

“Then all of the articles I started reading were blasting what I was doing as really bad so I stopped and went back to eating 3-5 meals per day.

I struggled to maintain weight at 240 until now I am back up to 260. “

Conventional wisdom tells you stuff like, “eat regularly”, “don't skip breakfast”, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, “don't let yourself get hungry”.

But none of this advice has any scientific basis.

Scott listened to conventional wisdom and stopped following my intermittent fasting advice.

When he went back to his old ways, doing what everyone else was doing, he gained all of his weight back.

“It proves to me that this method works and worked at a time that I didn't even know (being naive and uneducated by the magazines) existed and was being published.

I am now 32 and I am going to get back on those principles that worked for me and are confirmed with this information by Garry Davidson.

I am pumped about getting my results back and my body back!”

Intermittent fasting worked so well for Scott the first time round, that he is CERTAIN it will work for him again.

When you are CERTAIN that a particular method will work for you, that's when you'll put in the effort required to REALLY transform your physique.

Why Not See If Scott Reid's Method Will Work For You?

So if you want to lose your love handles and get rid of your man boobs like Scott did, why not get started on intermittent fasting today?

Scott used the secrets in my report, Untold Secrets of Intermittent Fasting, to get the above results. You can use the same methods from the same report and lose your love handles and love your man boobs the same way Scott did.

You can get this report here:

Click Here If You Want To Start Using The Same Method Scott Reid Used To Lose His Man Boobs

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