Dumbbell Pullovers – The Forgotten Upper Chest Exercise
In the old classic era of bodybuilding, before steroids were around, the ‘squats and milk’ routine was the number one method for getting skinny hardgainers jacked. What most people forget …
Lose Man Boobs & Build A Manly Chest
The dumbbell pullover is a powerful upper body exercise.
Classic bodybuilders at a time before steroids were being used in bodybuilding, advocated the squats, pullover, and milk routine to grow bigger muscles all over.
When I heard this, I implemented pullovers in my routine instantly. What I didn’t expect, was that the pullover would hit an unsuspecting body area that does a great job at helping to get rid of man boobs.
More about this in the articles below.
In the old classic era of bodybuilding, before steroids were around, the ‘squats and milk’ routine was the number one method for getting skinny hardgainers jacked. What most people forget …
I’ve been going through a very stressful time these past few months. You know how they say it never rains but it pours? When one bad thing happens, another bad …
Today I want to tell you about a powerful upper chest exercise that very few people know about. If you have man boobs, this exercise alone has the potential to …