Dumbbell Pullovers – The Forgotten Upper Chest Exercise
In the old classic era of bodybuilding, before steroids were around, the ‘squats and milk’ routine was the number one method for getting skinny hardgainers jacked. What most people forget …
Lose Man Boobs & Build A Manly Chest
Larry Scott won the 1965 Mr. Olympia competition and defended the crown at the 1966 Mr. Olympia contest before retiring.
Despite the fact that he took steroids, he still had a very impressive physique, and trained directly under the legendary Vince Gironda.
In the old classic era of bodybuilding, before steroids were around, the ‘squats and milk’ routine was the number one method for getting skinny hardgainers jacked. What most people forget …
The guillotine press (aka neck press) was the only form of the bench press that was recommended by the Iron Guru, Vince Gironda. It was also the only form of bench …
I’ve been going through a very stressful time these past few months. You know how they say it never rains but it pours? When one bad thing happens, another bad …