Today I'm going to give you a meta-method you can use to both lose weight and lose man boobs.
I want you to think about this:
What's your sticking point right now?
What’s the ONE THING holding you back from losing your man boobs or getting lean?
E.g. recently I found myself gaining some weight because I was going through a stressful time.
Just like weight LOSS happens slowly, weight GAIN happens slowly and insidiously.
The thing about both weight gain and weight loss, is they happen secretly at first (same applies to man boobs).
A lot of change happens before you notice anything on the surface, so by the time you realize you’re gaining weight, MASSIVE changes have happened to your body and it’s gona take a LOT of work to get rid of it all.
In the same way when you start to LOSE weight, you won’t notice any changes at first, but if you are consistent, you’ll eventually start to notice, and by the time you notice it, MASSIVE positive changes have happened and losing more weight just gets easier and easier.
But I digress.
One thing at a time: what was the ONE THING that was holding me back from losing weight?
There's usually MULTIPLE things you're doing wrong to keep you fat, but what's the one most IMPORTANT thing?
One thing I realized I was doing that was holding me back from getting lean again, was I was eating too soon before bed.
I was eating at 11.30pm and going to bed at 12am.
Not good.
So I stopped that.
Wasn’t easy at first, but I got used to it and then I was eating at 9.30 pm and going to bed at 12am.
Not a perfect arrangement, but it was much better than before.
I felt lighter and better after that change but I needed to lose MORE fat.
Next thing I realized I was doing wrong was I was eating too much.
I was snacking throughout the day, and just eating all the time.
So I decided I would stick to 3 meals a day and zero or minimal snacking throughout the day.
Again, wasn’t easy at first, but I got used to it.
Again, I lost some more fat, but I wanted to lose more.
Then I noticed that I was just eating too much in those meals, allowing myself to stuff myself to the point where I felt overfilled and heavy.
Doesn’t matter how long you’ve fasted for, stuffing your face beyond the point where you feel full, is not good for you.
So I got into the habit of leaving some food on my plate.
It didn't have to go to waste, I could save it for my next meal.
Once I started leaving food on my plate, I started gaining control over how much I ate every meal.
That got me leaner still.
I'm well on my way now to getting back to the way I was – totally lean and ripped.
I did it one step at a time, by making one change at a time.
And that's what you have to do to lose your man boobs. That's what you have to do to lose weight. That's what you have to do to build the body of your dreams.
Tackle one problem at a time, and get obsessed about it.
If your goal is to leave some food on the plate every meal, then write it down and put it up on your wall or on your computer desktop or your phone wallpaper, get obsessed by it, have reminders for yourself everywhere.
You may forget to leave some food on your plate at first, but with all the reminders around you, you’ll eventually do it ONCE.
Then you might slip again a few times, then you’ll get it right again, maybe slip a few times more, and you’ll get it right again, and again and again, and then it will feel easy, because you get used to it, your body grows accustomed to it, it becomes habit.
Success in life is about developing good habits.
Develop one good habit at a time, and before you know it you’ll be full of good diet and training habits, and your man boobs will be a thing of the past.
So ask yourself this right now:
What's the ONE thing holding you back from losing your man boobs?
It's better to KNOW what kind of things can hold you back, than to GUESS.
If you GUESS that you need to start counting calories to lose your man boobs, then you'd be wrong.
If you GUESS that you need to start running on the treadmill an hour a day to lose your man boobs, then you'd be wrong.
To KNOW all of the RIGHT things you have to do to lose your man boobs, then check out How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally:
Once you KNOW what things in your life are holding you back from losing your man boobs, then you can start peeling them away from your life ONE AT A TIME.
And before you know it you’ll be full of good diet and training habits, and your man boobs will be a thing of the past.