How Mike Dansen From The USA Lost His Man Boobs
Back in January 2017, a Mike Dansen (name changed for privacy reasons) from the USA got in touch with me about how he used my methods to get rid of …
Lose Man Boobs & Build A Manly Chest
Good upper chest development is the most important mark of a great chest.
Most good trainees I see at the gym have decent pecs, but only the great ones have truly thick upper pecs.
An awesome benefit of developing the upper chest is it’s great for hiding man boobs. Too much lower chest development tends to push your man boobs out more, while a thick UPPER chest makes it less obvious that you have man boobs.
But most people get upper chest training totally wrong. The standard incline barbell bench press is not the best exercise for developing the upper chest. You’ll discover far more powerful upper chest exercises in the articles below, some of which you would never think were chest exercises at all.
Back in January 2017, a Mike Dansen (name changed for privacy reasons) from the USA got in touch with me about how he used my methods to get rid of …
In the old classic era of bodybuilding, before steroids were around, the ‘squats and milk’ routine was the number one method for getting skinny hardgainers jacked. What most people forget …
Anyone can build a big chest, but most guys have no idea how to get the right proportions that will give you that truly unstoppable look. Most guys who work …
If you’ve ever watched the Olympics, you may have noticed that different TYPES of athletes have different types of physiques. Long distance runners have a skinny, shriveled appearance, while sprinters …
I’ve been going through a very stressful time these past few months. You know how they say it never rains but it pours? When one bad thing happens, another bad …