Could Turmeric Be Nature’s Solution For Getting Rid Of Man Boobs?

Turmeric For Losing Man Boobs

“I got some standard turmeric capsules of the actual turmeric powder, went through 2 containers of about 120 capsules each, and after around 8 weeks my nipples aren't puffy anymore! I can wear t-shirts and my chest looks normal.”

…James – Los Angeles, USA

“I've been using turmeric for about 4 months now and even during the first week, I experienced amazing results. I simply fill a glass with water, pour two tablespoons of turmeric into it and heat it up for two minutes. Turn off the heat, stir it, let it cool so it doesn't burn you, and drink while still warm. Tastes disgusting, but done 2-3 times a day, ESPECIALLY before bed and you won't believe your results in the morning.”

…Paul – Montreal, Canada

We're living in scary times.

Female hormones like estrogen are on the rise, and we men are becoming feminized.

Fertility rates are dropping, testosterone levels are plummeting, and we men are losing our masculinity and morphing into pseudo-men with man boobs.

So turmeric, which is possibly nature's ultimate estrogen blocker, is more important in a man's diet today, than ever before.

The Rare Estrogen-Blocking Effect Of Turmeric

A lot of guys with man boobs get tested by their doctor, only to find that their estrogen and testosterone levels are normal.

It’s easy when you find that your estrogen levels are high or your testosterone levels low. All you have to do is correct your hormone imbalance and your man boobs are likely to vanish. But what do you do when your hormone levels are normal?

Well it just so happens that man boobs can also be caused by a heightened sensitivity of your breast cells to estrogen, or a reduced sensitivity of your cells to testosterone. Unfortunately, there’s no way for your doctor to test for your breast tissue’s sensitivity to sex hormones.

Turmeric is one of those few natural substances that work by directly blocking estrogen receptors on the cellular level, hence having the effect of reducing the sensitivity of your breast tissue to estrogen.

Turmeric is so powerful, that studies have suggested the effects of this herb may be equally or more effective than the pharmaceutical estrogen-lowering drug tamoxifen.

The difference is that turmeric, being a natural whole food, does not have any side-effects, so you can take it in much larger doses, depending on what your body responds to.

You also don’t need a prescription for turmeric from your doctor, and it doesn’t cost much at all to buy.

Turmeric Also Helps Get Rid Of Man Boobs Via Multiple Other Different Mechanisms

As well as block estrogen at the cellular level, turmeric also does the following to help get rid of your man boobs:

1. Reduces inflammation in your body. Studies show that turmeric can be just as powerful as medical anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, but without the same nasty side-effects. Chronic inflammation suppresses testosterone production by the Leydig cells in your testes. By reducing inflammation, turmeric may help boost your testosterone levels.

2. Improves insulin sensitivity. With poor insulin sensitivity, your body becomes insulin resistant. Insulin resistance has been associated with reduced testosterone production in men. Improving insulin sensitivity with turmeric means less insulin resistance, which means more testosterone.

3. Improves liver function. Your liver is responsible for deactivating more than 50% of your body’s estrogen by a process called conjugation. Liver disease is a common cause of gynecomastia. Improving liver function with turmeric will help to increase the rate of deactivation of estrogens in your body.

These effects alone, are enough for turmeric to help get rid of your man boobs. But turmeric does so much more…

Turmeric Helps You Lose Weight (Also Via Multiple Mechanisms)

Improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation are both powerful triggers for weight loss. Additionally, turmeric increases thermogenesis in your body. This increases your basal metabolic rate, so you burn more calories at rest.

More directly, a 2009 study in the Journal of Nutrition found that turmeric prevents fat cell differentiation, causes fat cell apoptosis (cell destruction), and further reduces the formation of fat cells by preventing angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels needed to support new fatty tissues in your body).

To confirm their findings, the researchers of the same study took 18 mice and split them into different groups. One group was fed a high calorie diet (HC), and another group fed a high calorie diet supplemented with turmeric (HC+T). After 12 weeks on the same diet, the HC group had almost twice the amount of body fat (20.9g) as the HC+T group (11.8g). Turmeric managed to prevent weight gain on a high calorie diet without changing the subject’s appetite.

Turmeric Changes Your Genes, And The Physical Structure Of Your Body

Man boobs are caused by a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Turmeric not only tackles the environmental cause of man boobs by blocking the effects of estrogen on a cellular level, and helping to boost testosterone, but it also has a big impact on your genes. Studies have found that turmeric influences more than 700 genes in your body.

A 2009 study in the Journal of the American Chemical Society found that even in low concentrations, curcumin, the active component of turmeric, inserts itself deep into your cells’ membranes, and actually changes the physical properties of the membrane. It does this in such a way, that the curcumin plays a big part in controlling what goes in and out of the cell. What this means is that turmeric actually changes the very construction of your body on a cellular level!

You know how in those sci-fi movies, there’s some old guy dying of cancer, and then some advanced race comes along and cures him by injecting him with nanites? These futuristic nanites are microscopic robots that destroy cancerous tissue, repair damaged cells, and re-enforce existing cells, so the guy becomes impervious to disease and becomes stronger, fitter and healthier than ever.

Well you may be surprised to learn that turmeric isn’t far off from these futuristic, near-miraculous nanites…

The Near-Miraculous Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Among all nutrients, curcumin in turmeric has by far the most evidence-based literature supporting its role against cancer.

Turmeric is widely used in India, and it’s no coincidence that the prevalence of common cancers like breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer, is around 10 times lower in India than it is in the West. Taking prostate cancer as an example, out of every 100,000 people, 104.3 people will get prostate cancer if they live in the U.S., compared to just 4.6 people if they live in India.

Interestingly enough, all four of the above cancers are known estrogen-dependent cancers. This highlights just how effective turmeric is at blocking estrogen in your body.

Turmeric is also known to be a powerful anti-oxidant (5-8 times stronger than vitamin E, and stronger than vitamin C), and is known for its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

There seems to be no system in your body left untouched by this powerful, seemingly all-encompassing natural remedy. It delays aging, helps improve digestion, improves joint function, strengthens your immune system, promotes healthy blood and liver function, helps control cholesterol levels, and even strengthens your bones.

Turmeric has been used traditionally in India for thousands of years as a remedy for an endless list of ailments, including aches, pains, sprains, wounds, and disorders of the liver, lung, digestive system and skin. We know today that it helps treat or relieve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, asthma, eczema, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and so much more.

It’s no wonder then that turmeric is revered in India as “holy powder,” and is almost worshipped in its extensive use in ceremonies, weddings and religious festivals.

If turmeric on its own doesn’t directly shrink your man boobs, the least it will do is energize you and prime your body to handle more rigorous exercise. It will sharpen your mind, improve your memory, and help you cope better with life’s stresses, so you can get a better handle on your diet. It will help maximize the benefit of the good food you eat, and dampen the damage done by any bad food in your diet.

By blocking estrogen, improving liver function, decreasing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity, turmeric will also enhance all your other efforts at losing man boobs. Just having turmeric in your diet, will make your exercise, other dietary changes, and lifestyle changes more effective at flattening out your chest and shrinking those puffy nipples.

What's The Best Way To Take Turmeric?

The best way to increase your intake of any micronutrient, is via whole foods. If you want more vitamin C in your system, then eat more oranges and tomatoes. If you want more carotene, eat more carrots and sweet potatoes. If you want more curcumin, then eat more turmeric.

But unless you know how to cook with turmeric, this stuff is pretty disgusting. I tried for a while to drink turmeric down with a glass of water twice a day, but boiling the water and turmeric, waiting for it to cool, then chugging down a glass of the most horrible drink you can think of, isn't something I could keep up for very long.

So now I recommend taking turmeric supplements, and they've worked well for me.

It's so much more convenient to simply pop a pill, than to worry about various different turmeric recipes, or heating a boiling mixture for 10 minutes. And thankfully, turmeric supplements are one of very few legal supplements that can actually make a noticeable change in your body, especially in your chest if you have man boobs.

What's The Best Turmeric Supplement?

Some turmeric supplements are clearly better than others.

Firstly, you want to avoid supplements that contain toxic artificial additives, the likes of magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose. Magnesium stearate for example, forms a biofilm in your gut, preventing the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food.

It's also important for your turmeric supplement to contain a bioavailability enhancer like piperine (from black pepper). Studies have shown that piperine can increase the absorption of curcumin by 2,000%!

Here's a good supplement I discovered that comes with piperine (in the form of “Bioperine”), and contains no artificial additives:

Click here to check out the turmeric supplement I'm currently taking

Over the years I've tried one turmeric supplement after another, and I've finally settled on this Hewis & Selby brand as my current favorite. This particular turmeric supplement just seems to work really well for me, and many of my clients have told me that they have had the same experience (check out Brad in China's experience in this quick post).

If you can't get a hold of this supplement, or you want to try something different, you can always check out my article on the 5 Must-Have Criteria For A GREAT Turmeric Supplement to help you pick out another good turmeric supplement.

Feel free to try out some other brands and let me know how you get on. I've tried over a dozen, but I haven't tried them all. If there's something better out there, I want to try it!

Other Ways Of Taking Turmeric

Supplements may be the most convenient way to take turmeric, but it's also a good idea to add turmeric to your cooking.

Firstly, you want to get yourself some high quality, organic turmeric powder. The stuff in your local grocery store might be dirt cheap, but it also comes with its fare share of contaminants – byproducts of modern, non-organic farming that uses pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers etc. People generally report quicker, more noticeable results from using a high quality organic turmeric.

Curcumin from turmeric is very poorly absorbed by the body when taken on its own. The latest studies however, suggest that the Indians with their ancient, 5,000 year old practice of Ayurvedic medicine, have known the best way to take turmeric all along. Curcumin is best absorbed when combined with fats and other herbs and spices, namely black pepper, all of which are abundant in Indian curries.

Curcumin itself being a fatty compound, is better absorbed by the body when taken with a meal that contains fats.

With the above in mind, here’s how to prepare and take your turmeric…

Preparing Your Turmeric/Black Pepper Concoction

First, get a large glass container and fill it with 8 parts organic turmeric, and 1 part finely ground organic ground black pepper, and mix it up by closing the lid on the container and giving it a good shake.

Adding Turmeric To Your Food

You can then add this mixture to your food, especially when you are eating something that contains a good dose of healthy natural fats. The possibilities are endless, and you can find hundreds of different examples of how different people like to take their daily dose of turmeric, to benefit from its life-changing effects.

For example, you can use a turmeric-butter mixture to marinade a chicken before roasting it (use grass-fed butter for maximum health benefit and help losing man boobs). You can also mix turmeric with ghee (preferably grass-fed ghee), a commonly used ancient Ayurvedic practice, and use it in your cooking.

Mixing Turmeric With Oils

If you don’t like the taste of turmeric, and prefer not to add it to your food, you can treat it like medicine and take it two to three times a day. For this method, you can make a turmeric emulsion by combining a teaspoon’s worth of your turmeric-black pepper mixture with a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil. Since coconut oil is solid at room temperature, you can heat it up in a pan – only warm it enough for the turmeric to dissolve and mix in with the oil.

Adding To Water & Applying Heat

The trouble with a lot of micronutrients is that they break down and are rendered useless when they are heated. Studies however, have shown that heat treatment of curcumin, neither destroys the curcumin, nor breaks down its biological activity. In fact, heat treatment has been shown to increase the absorption of curcumin in your gut, by increasing its solubility in water. The more soluble curcumin is in water, the easier it is absorbed by your gut. So there’s yet another reason why turmeric works so well with curries.

A 2009 study by the American Association of Cancer Research, found that the solubility of curcumin is increased 12-fold by heating it in boiling water for 10 minutes. So if you can’t be bothered with the oils, you could always add a teaspoon’s worth of your turmeric-black pepper mixture to a cup of water, bring it to a boil and heat it for 10 minutes, then let it cool for a while, before guzzling it down.

An Even Better Turmeric Concoction For Losing Man Boobs

In my program, called How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally, I reveal another spice that enhances the bioavailability of turmeric.

This spice isn't talked about as much as black pepper, but the latest studies are showing that it's more effective than black pepper at enhancing the absorption of turmeric.

What's really cool, is when you combine turmeric and black pepper with this little-known spice, you get even better turmeric absorption, with a near-unstoppable formula for shrinking your man boobs.

You can learn more about my program, How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally, via the link at the end of this article.

Can Turmeric Help Get Rid Of Man Boobs All By Itself?

Turmeric is powerful stuff.

It blocks estrogen, helps boost the male hormone testosterone, reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, and improves liver function, all of which helps to shrink your man boobs.

Turmeric is so powerful, that it’s one of those few supplements that can help you get rid of your man boobs if you do nothing else.

However, this approach only works for some people.

For most people, turmeric on its own will do very little for your man boobs if everything else you are doing is giving your body the wrong instructions.

If you are not eating right, not exercising right, and not correctly managing other important lifestyle changes that could be instructing your body to hold onto your man boobs, then just using turmeric will be like adding a cup of water to the Arabian desert.

If you're serious about losing your man boobs, then you really should start taking a good turmeric supplement and sort out these other aspects of your life, like diet, exercise, and little-known lifestyle changes that help block estrogen, boost testosterone, and pave the way for your body to start shrinking those man boobs.

To get started on losing your man boobs today, click the link below to check out my program called How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally:

Click Here To Discover The Best Methods For Losing Your Man Boobs

59 thoughts on “Could Turmeric Be Nature’s Solution For Getting Rid Of Man Boobs?”

  1. Hi Garry
    I am from pakistan .i am suffering in man boobs since 4 years ago and tried very hard to get rid of them but not succeded .From last few days muslims are fasting beacause of there holy month Ramzan kareem .i am also fasting and noticed that my moobs are shrinked a little .can i use turmeric for a quick results .

    • Hi Irfan

      Yes, the fasting of Ramadan can really help shrink body fat and even man boobs fast, but only if you are careful of how you eat when you break your fast. The tradition in many parts (including Pakistan) is to eat lots of fried foods with carbs. Avoid what everyone else is having at the dinner table, make your own food, and the month of Ramadan can be a month of amazing transformation for most Muslims.

      And yes, turmeric can most certainly help. The best way I like to take turmeric, is to make my own capsules. I go into detail on how to do this in my program, How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally.

  2. Hello Gary,

    I have been trying to lose man boobs for about 3 months now. I have been dieting and exercising a good amount. I’m tall and skinny so I have been trying to gain muscle mass all around. So far I have gained about 10 lbs in the last three months. I have been eating a lot more but I have been watching what I eat, reducing sugar and eating more t-boosting foods I also take turmeric every morning and at night. I have been doing a lot of chest exercises and notice I’m getting stronger but the fat isn’t going away. I have also know that my breasts tissue is sore, mostly around the nipple area. I need you advice if I’m making this problem worse or is it slowly getting better? Before I was working out I had some breast fat I feel like it is the same amount now with more muscle underneath. DO you have any other suggestions for me? Thank you for your time reading all this.

    Thank You.

    • Hi Kyle. You need to follow a more hormonal approach. Turmeric is a great start, but there’s so much more you can do.

      If your nipples are sore, then it means there is an active hormonal process going on. It’s important that you find the source of your hormonal disturbance and work on eliminating it. The source could be a multitude of different things – pubertal hormonal fluctuations, cosmetic products, something in your food, or even your water supply.

      The first thing you should do is see your doctor, in order to help identify any possible sinister causes.

      If there are no underlying medical causes, then I suggest you take a look at the following article:

      And if you want to get into the advanced stuff, take a look at How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally:

  3. Sir i am age 17
    There has been increasing swelling near my chest from age 14
    nearly 3 cm swell I dont have much hair on legs and hand
    Not grown beard or moustache yet Is there high estrogen levels in me? What should I do?Please recommend something sir
    Become very disappointed now. Someone told its sign of being androgyne
    Is it so? I am vegetarian. Please reply

  4. Hi Garry,
    I am very much frustrated because of this man boobs.
    I started taking turmeric with hot water from last week. Please let me know your suggestions to get rid of my man boobs fast.

  5. Hi Gary
    I 19 years old and have a testosterone level of 256 which is told to be normal by my doctor. I was a fat guy with 93 Kgs of weight 3 months earlier..I’ve lost 20 kgs and now I’m weighing 73 kgs..I’ve lost overall body fat but not been able to get rid of these moobs..though there has been quite a change but still i suffer from puffy nipples..the size of chest is tolerable but these nipples really irritate me a lot..
    I’ve been taking turmeric since the last 2 weeks..taking fish oil pills and also homeopathic treatment to improve testosterone is going on..Oh and yeah ive been concentrating on training my chest since last 2 months..Doing incline bench press..incline dumbbell flies and press and peck flies too..
    What else would you suggest to me..

  6. Hi!..Garry.. I have tryed turmeric with water once and its bad in test can I use milk with turmeric for rid man boobs..??..

  7. hey Garry I’m 20 years old and suffering from this problem from past 3 years. I’m fat from about 15-16 years and so I thought that it is due to fat stored in my body, but recently I came to know about this new concept of man boobs. as you told turmeric is good to get rid of this but I’m not comfortable to have turmeric with water instead I can have it with milk very comfortably. should I continue??

    please help me to get rid of the bulgy fat around my waist and these man boobs as early as possible, because I’m in my 2nd year of engineering and companies will be coming by next year for recruitment and this is the biggest hurdle in my placements moreover to survive, because others won’t let you live like this.

    looking forward for your quick response.

  8. Can turmeric be taken directly with water ? I put a teaspoon of turmeric in my mouth and drink water. Is this process OK?

    • Hi Paras, yes, turmeric can be taken with water. Don’t forget to add in some black pepper, as it will help to increase absorption. You might also want to follow up immediately with a tablespoon of olive oil, since this will increase absorption of turmeric also.

  9. hey garry I have gynecomastia in my both chest its about 3 – 4 years how can I lose it with turmeric ?? and can I paste turmeric directly on my chest with mixture of turmeric and water

    • Hi Amandeep. Turmeric will only work if you consume it. It works internally, not from applying on the surface.

    • Manju, thanks for posting your concern. This is a big misconception that exists, especially in eastern countries like India. Just because turmeric is yellow, does not mean it causes jaundice. Jaundice happens from liver disease and haemolytic blood disorders. Turmeric causes neither of these.

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