I've lately been playing around with this powerful new ingredient for losing man boobs.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of different types of foods and supplements out there that can help you get rid of your man boobs.
I'm constantly on the lookout for the most powerful foods, ingredients and exercises that will help get rid of your man boobs.
I'm pretty sure I've come across one that'll totally blow you away.
It's a special type of vinegar that has long been known to work WONDERS for weight-loss.
What a lot of people don't know, is that this vinegar can also help you lose man boobs.
Here's what Terry says in the comments section below, about how this vinegar shrunk her husband's chest:
“It’s true!! I noticed my husbands chest getting smaller in about a month. His stomach is not changing much, but his man boobs are definitely getting smaller.”
I've known for a while that vinegar in general, helps to — at least indirectly — boost testosterone levels by improving insulin sensitivity.
What I didn't know until fairly recently, is how damn powerful this PARTICULAR type of vinegar is at boosting those T-levels.
Men of all age ranges — from their teens to their late sixties — have reported almost uncontrolled boosts in their libido after taking this type of vinegar regularly for several weeks.
They've also noticed harder erections, more energy and vitality, improved confidence, better mental focus, better sleep, and a HUGE list of other benefits – including both muscle growth and weight loss.
So I decided to give some of my clients a 6-week trial on this vinegar
After 6 weeks, most of my clients noticed some remarkable benefits from consuming the vinegar — significant body fat reduction and improved general health – more energy for exercise, improved libido, reduced susceptibility to coughs and colds, healthier hair, skin and nails, etc.
Around 60% of my clients experienced a noticeable chest-shrinking effect.
The remaining 40% didn't notice much change in their chests, but many of them did experience the other benefits — the weight loss, increased energy and libido, etc.
I think this particular type of vinegar is one of those things that can work amazingly well for some guys, but not as well for others.
I've seen and heard some powerful weight loss success stories from people using this stuff, with some people losing dozens of pounds of fat in a very short space of time.
It's one of those things that you just have to try for yourself and see how it works.
At the very least, if it doesn't shrink your chest and rid you of your man boobs, it will make losing man boobs easier when you combine this vinegar with the other methods I write about, and it will boost your health in multiple different ways.
You've nothing to lose, and your health and a better body to gain.
So what are you waiting for? Give this vinegar a whirl, and see how it works for you.
Oh, almost forgot to tell you what type of vinegar it is – it's called apple cider vinegar (ACV).
Remember though, like all natural remedies, it takes time for the ingredient to really take effect. It has to get in there and change your body chemistry first – this can take several weeks.
Though there are some reports where guys have noticed a powerful chest-tightening effect, huge increases in libido, strength, muscle growth, and fat loss after their very first dose of ACV, this is the exception rather than the rule.
Most people will notice nothing at first, and wonder whether it's all just a hoax.
Or you might start to believe that ACV is one of those things that works for others, but it doesn't work for you.
But trust me, the science confirms ACV is no hoax.
Take it regularly for a few weeks, and you're almost guaranteed to notice either a chest shrinking effect, weight loss, muscle growth, or some other major health benefits.
But please don't expect miracles.
The first time I tried ACV (years ago), it didn't work. That's because I was stuffing myself on a diet full of carbs. No supplement or single ingredient in the world — not even ACV — can make up for a bad diet.
So if you want ACV to work, make sure you are eating right at the same time.
Just eating right itself will transform your physique, but adding ACV will accelerate the process.
I hope that makes sense.
How To Take ACV
Method #1: Take a liquid ACV like this one:
Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink this mixture 2-3 times per day – just before, during, or just after a meal.
Method #2: Take an ACV capsule like this one:
I highly recommend the capsules over the liquid.
Because liquid ACV has this disgusting bitter, tangy taste, and it can take weeks before your chest starts to visibly shrink.
That's why most people who try to lose weight or lose their man boobs with liquid ACV, give up LONG before they see any benefit.
What's The Best Type Of ACV?
Make sure the ACV you get is raw, unfiltered, and contains “the mother”.
If you're getting capsules, make sure the capsule contains ACV powder that's derived from ACV that's raw, unfiltered, and contains “the mother”.
The mother is made up of strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules with living nutrients and bacteria.
The mother may look horrible, but its presence shows that the best part of the vinegar has not been destroyed.
Vinegars that DON'T contain the mother, are usually over-processed, and have been filtered and overheated.
Here's the ACV liquid that I occasionally purchase myself. It has all the qualities mentioned above. The mother is invisible at first, but you see strands of it appearing and growing as the vinegar ages:
Here's the ACV capsule that has worked best for me and my clients:
I personally use both the capsules and the liquid.
I take the capsules in the morning, that's all I need.
But I can always add in a swirl of the liquid in the evening if I want for added benefit (I usually don't because it stinks, but every now and then is not so bad).
Right, so give ACV a whirl and let me know how it goes.
Awesome Garry, Im definitely will try this out. I have heard a lot of good things of ACV in the past. And all of your suggestions have worked for me. I tried your Paleolithic HIT and have seen the results :D Just wondering if ACV has any kind of side effects…
Hey Mario. Being a natural whole-food, ACV has no known side-effects, as long as you don’t overdo it. Anything in excess can be harmful, even water.
I think using organic apple cider vinegar is great, thanks for sharing. I think this should work great for females too. I only have ACV from American Garden – it says natural but not organic. I guess the latter’s most effective huh?
Forgot to ask – any data on how taking ACV on a regular basis affects females since this particular vinegar boosts testosterone levels? Thanks.
ACV is a healthful superfood Thaila, it can only be good for you, whether you are man or woman.
Organic is generally better than non-organic, but non-organic isn’t a deal-breaker. Most of the studies out there extolling the benefits of fruits’n veggies, are based on non-organic produce. If you have non-organic ACV, use it. Organic is more important in animal produce, because hormones and chemicals accumulate in the animal over many months/years.
Hi Gary,
I was wondering if any ACV supplements/pills could also work? If you travel a lot, carrying a big bottle if not more could be kind of hard. And if so, how many per day? And with food or before/after?
Yes David, you can get ACV in capsule form nowadays, here’s the best out of the half a dozen I’ve tried:
I would advise taking ACV capsules 20-30 minutes before a meal, though if you forget, it would still help if you take them just before, or just after a meal.
Also, you don’t have to stick to the recommended dose on the bottle. The ACV capsules in the link above contain a powdered form of ACV. ACV being a whole-food, it doesn’t hurt to take a little extra.
While on the bottle it recommends taking 2 capsules once a day, I often take 2 capsules 2 or 3 times a day for added benefit, before my meals.
It’s true!! I noticed my husbands chest getting smaller in about a month. His stomach is not changing much, but his man boobs are definitely getting smaller. We been using BRAGGS ORGANIC ACV.