How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally – What Nobody Else Is Telling You

How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally

I've had man boobs ever since I was 12 years old.

And I'm not just talking about a big chest, I'm talking full-on pubertal gynecomastia with tender nipples.

I tried every method you can think of to try and learn how to lose man boobs naturally, and finally by age 25 I managed to crack the code and build a great chest and great body to boot.

Ever since I lost my own man boobs, I've been helping other guys lose their man boobs too as a personal trainer.

I've found time and time again that guys around the world with man boobs are making the same mistakes I made back in the day.

Most guys are making the same mistakes, because all the so-called fitness “experts” are parroting the same wrong advice on how to lose man boobs.

The advice you get from bodybuilding magazines, men's health magazines, other personal trainers, doctors, and the general advice you see online, does not help you lose man boobs.

That's because most of these fitness experts never had man boobs themselves. They may be experts at building great bodies for themselves, but they're not experts at helping other guys lose their man boobs.

That's where I come in. Since I had man boobs myself, I've lost my own man boobs, and I've helped other guys lose their man boobs, it puts me in a unique position to help you lose your man boobs.

So without further ado, let me start by telling you…

…What Everybody Else Is Doing Wrong

Most guys with man boobs are frantically doing push-ups, bench presses, and other chest exercises to try and get rid of their man boobs.

But when you only do chest exercises, all it does is grow the muscle underneath your man boobs, and this just pushes your man boobs out more, making them look bigger.

The truth is, as much as you might feel the “pump” in your chest when you do 50 push-ups, it's not a sign that fat is being burned in the area.

Fat loss does not happen this way, your body does not preferentially burn the fat surrounding the muscle being worked. Just like you can't crunch your way to six pack abs, you can't push-up your way to a man boob free chest.

Other guys think cardio is the solution. They read in a magazine that they need to burn more calories than they consume, so they spend an hour a day on the treadmill to burn off those calories.

I've tried this many times. I've done several hours a day of cardio 6 days a week. What ends up happening with this approach is you lose fat from the rest of your body, but your man boobs stay the same.

This is because man boobs are not a calorie problem. Man boobs are a hormone problem.

The other mistake guys with man boobs commonly make, is they think they need to go on a low calorie and/or a low fat diet, to take in fewer calories than they burn.

Again, just like with cardio, this approach doesn't work because man boobs are not a calorie problem.

The key is to focus on doing the types of exercises and eating the types of food that shift the hormones in your body that are responsible for you having man boobs in the first place.

To lose man boobs, you need to first now…

What Causes Man Boobs?

The main reason men grow boobs is because of high levels of the female hormone estrogen in the body, and/or low levels of the male hormone testosterone.

When your training, diet and lifestyle focuses on reducing estrogen and boosting testosterone in your body, that's when big changes happen, that's how you get rid of your man boobs naturally, and you can do it without having to train for hours on end every day, without having to starve yourself, and without having to avoid all your favorite foods.

You'll lose your man boobs quickest if you use the following…

4 Methods For Losing Man Boobs Naturally

#1: Whole Body Weight Training, Not Just Push-Ups & The Bench Press

Too many guys at the gym only work their upper body, because that's where all the glory is, right? We all want to have six pack abs with a powerful set of pecs we can show off when we go topless at the beach, few guys are obsessed with having a decent looking set of thighs or calves.

But the truth is, the secret to having a great looking upper body, is to train your legs.

Studies show that training your legs boosts levels of the male hormone testosterone, more-so than training the smaller muscles in your upper body.

Boosting testosterone with leg training will not only help you lose your man boobs, it will also help boost muscle growth in your upper body.

But you don't just train your legs of course, the key is to boost testosterone with leg training, and maximize upper body muscle growth with upper body training. So the key is to do whole-body weight training.

Another important body part guys often neglect in the gym is the back.

Just like with the legs, few guys want to impress the girls with a muscular back. But the truth is, if you want your chest to look good, it's just as important to train your back.

Firstly, your back muscles are far bigger than your chest muscles, so you get a bigger testosterone boost from training your back than you do from training your chest.

Also, if you only train your chest, it creates an imbalance in your muscles, where your shoulders are held forwards by your stronger chest muscles, creating a posture that makes your man boobs look bigger. When your back muscles are equally strong, your shoulders are held further back, your upper body looks wider, and your man boobs look smaller.

Click here to learn more about the importance of building a wide chest by training your back.

Click here for more detail on how to lose man boobs with weight training.

#2: HIIT, Not Long Distance Cardio

Everywhere I look, people are going about cardio all wrong.

According to conventional wisdom, you have to run/cycle/swim in the fat-burning “zone” for as long as possible to burn as much fat as possible. The longer you run/cycle/swim, the more fat you lose. But here's the problem…

Studies show that endurance athletes have lower testosterone levels than even the average couch potato who does no exercise at all.

The reason you lose weight with conventional cardio, yet don't lose chest fat, is because traditional steady state cardio reduces your testosterone levels.

But did you know that there's another way to do cardio that boosts testosterone levels?

This other form of cardio also turns on a fat burning switch in your body, that keeps you burning fat for many hours after the workout.

This other form of cardio is called high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Professional sprinters like use a form of HIIT to increase their sprinting speed. Higher testosterone levels from their HIIT training is probably why sprinters are so ripped and muscular, as opposed to endurance athletes, who are usually thin and frail, and often even chubby.

I've come across a number of studies that suggest HIIT beats traditional cardio out of the park when it comes to fat loss. Take this study by Tremblay et al., published in the journal, Metabolism, where HIIT resulted in a 9-fold greater reduction in skinfold thickness than traditional cardio.

The good thing about HIIT is you can put in just a few minutes of effort 3 days a week, and get some tremendous results, both in terms of fat loss and man-boob reduction.

It's all about the quality of the exercise, not the quantity. And thank God for that, because I don't know about you, but I'm a busy guy and I really don't have the time to take 2 hours a day for exercise.

Click here to learn more about how to use HIIT for losing man boobs

#3: Eat Right, Not Less

I know, diet isn't as sexy as exercise, but the truth is, if your diet isn't in the right place, no amount of exercise will help you.

According to the legendary Vince Gironda, who knew more about sculpting a great physique back in the 1960's than anyone I know even today, body sculpting is 85% diet.

Conventional wisdom would have it that if you want to lose weight, you need to starve yourself on a low calorie and low fat diet.

But this is a terrible approach for losing man boobs, because studies show that both low calorie diets and low fat diets reduce testosterone levels.

So just like with long distance cardio, conventional diets – by reducing testosterone – would have you losing fat from everywhere but your chest.

The key to losing man boobs is to eat foods that boost testosterone levels and either don't raise or reduce estrogen levels.

If you are also overweight, the good news is that these hormonal changes also help you to burn fat from the rest of your body.

The latest studies are showing that eating fat doesn’t make you fat, nor does it give you heart disease. Since we also know that eating fat boosts testosterone levels, and boosting testosterone helps reduce man boobs, then an important part of a man boob busting diet is to eat a high fat diet.

One thing that researchers unanimously agree on, is that a diet high in both fat and carbohydrate, is a surefire way to rapid weight gain. Since fat is the key to boosting testosterone and losing man boobs, the path to losing man boobs and staying lean and healthy, is to go on a high fat, low carbohydrate diet.

But there's a lot more to know about how to eat right to lose man boobs. For more details, click here to discover the best diet for losing man boobs.

#4: Take Genuine Proven Supplements, Not Scammy “Gyne Pills”

There are a whole load of scammy “gynecomastia” pills on the internet that cost an arm and a leg in monthly fees. I tried them all and not a single one delivered on its promise.

In the end, what worked were a few inexpensive, all-natural supplements that are known to reduce the effects of the female hormone estrogen on the body. Of these, the most powerful I've discovered so far is the Indian spice turmeric.

Curcumin from turmeric blocks estrogen on a cellular level. It does this so well, that studies show it may be just as powerful as the medical estrogen blocking drug, tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen is the go-to drug that doctors often prescribe their patients with man boobs. But I believe turmeric is possibly more powerful than tamoxifen, because turmeric extracts have not only been found to be just as effective as tamoxifen at blocking estrogen, but they also make multiple other changes in your body that could help you lose your man boobs…

Turmeric helps your liver excrete estrogens from your body, it's both a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant, both of which helps support testosterone production by the testes. It also helps reduce insulin resistance (insulin resistance is associated with low testosterone levels).

If you've got man boobs, turmeric is definitely something you should try. Click here to learn more about how turmeric can help you lose your man boobs

If you want to start taking a turmeric supplement, here's the one that I've found to work the best at shrinking man boobs and puffy nipples:

How To Lose Man Boobs The Smart Way

Getting rid of man boobs doesn't have to be difficult.

Most guys put all their effort into the wrong methods, and see little or no results. They watch the Rocky movies and think it's all about pushing yourself to the limit.

But if you put just a fraction of that effort into the right methods, you'll be shocked by how quickly your body transforms.

The key is to focus on hormones rather than on calories.

Trust me, when you sort out your hormones, the transformation in your body will seem almost automatic.

To date I've had hundreds of replies from guys who have lost their man boobs using my methods. They've told me how their chest just suddenly started to flatten out, almost like it happened out of the blue.

Here's what some of my past clients have told me:

“As a kid I was always skinny and had man boobs, which was really embarrassing. You give me hope that there was a way to overcome this.

Thanks to your information (diet & exercise) I'm in a place where I feel confident walking shirtless.

I went from ‘hating’ my chest to ‘liking’ my chest”

…Ricky Bogema. North Brabant, Netherlands.

“I've done everything in the losing man boobs naturally guide for about a week give or take a day and there's already results. I've changed my diet to completely low carb between 50-100 carbs a day and eating mostly protein and vegetables. I can actually feel my testosterone effects I believe.”

…Christov Emberley. Canada.

Sir I myself also have improvements on my man boobs since I've started taking up turmeric. Paired with high fat low carb diet it really works with just two months my man boobs is smaller compared to last two months. My peers and family noticed the results I'm much more confident today.

…Ernie John. Bacolod City, Philippines.

Where Can You Learn More About How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally?

Over the years, as a personal trainer who specializes in teaching guys how to lose man boobs, I have helped thousands of guys avoid the surgeon's knife by getting rid of their man boobs using natural methods.

My old client John is a perfect example of how you can go from having big man boobs with puffy nipples, to being flat-chested in a matter of weeks, and how you can do this without starving yourself and without spending hours in the gym every day.

The best way for you to learn how to lose man boobs naturally, is to see how John did it here:

Click here to discover how John lost his man boobs in 67 days

304 thoughts on “How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally – What Nobody Else Is Telling You”

    • Hey Mark. Maybe lifting 5 days a week is a bit much. I normally suggest my clients to do whole-body training 3 days a week.

    • Hi Don. If you have a previous shoulder injury, then I would suggest working closely with a personal trainer to see what level of stress your shoulder(s) can handle. Unfortunately, any chest exercise you do will put some strain on your shoulders, since the role of the pectorals is to move your arm around at the shoulder joint.

      With the bench press for example, you put the least strain on your shoulders when your elbows are tucked in next to your torso. Whatever exercise you do, start with a light weight, and very gradually increase the weight over time as your shoulders get stronger.

  1. Hi Garry, I found a few interesting things today about some body builders who we thought were natural but were not. Firstly, Larry Scott admitted he was taking steroids and Sergio Olivia even said that Steve reeves was on the juice and at the time everyone knew it. Even reg park did it. Garry I want to compete in natural body building, but I sometimes feel there’s no point because I’m not going to look lie them. What shall I do?

    • Hey Sergio

      It’s no secret that Larry Scott took steroids, but there’s no evidence that Steve Reeves or Reg Park took steroids. Of course, we can’t be 100% sure, but even if these guys did NOT take steroids, one thing both Reeves and Park DID have was superior genes. Most people who try their damned hardest, will never end up looking like Steve Reeves or Reg Park.

      But that’s no reason for you not to try. Give it your best, and focus on getting the best body YOU can get. Focus on making your body better than it is now, and making it the best it can be.

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for the article.

    People say I am well built, and I usually feel good in my camouflaging T-shirt until I accidently look at my profile and notice my pointy breasts.

    But I have learnt a lot today and will do my best to cut on sugar.


  3. I am doing more than 100 push ups daily to reduce my chest size. But immediate after the 100 push ups, my chest is getting enhance than before the exercise. What should I do to reduce my chest size.

    • Hey Nemra. Just doing pushups is a terrible approach to trying to lose man boobs. To lose man boobs, you need to focus on manipulating your hormones. At the very least, you should focus on generalized body fat reduction rather than trying to spot-reduce.

    • Hey Mike

      I’m not a big fan of spot reduction, though there is some weak evidence that suggests it may work, it’s far better to focus on whole-body hormone manipulation and fat reduction like I discuss in my programs.

      If you do insist on doing chest exercises to try to spot reduce your chest, you’ll have better luck if you do it on a empty stomach in the morning, since your glycogen stores will be depleted and your body will resort to breaking down fat. You can further boost results by doing some cardio first to further exhaust those glycogen supplies.

  4. Ive been cutting back on the soda the past couple weeks, and between walking to classes and going up and down the stairs.. I still feel like im not loosing my boobs, or cutting any weight. ive tried new diets and i just feel like its not working.. ive always had a slouch so i thought maybe that could be a reason?? any help??

  5. Hey Gary,
    i recently just started to cut down on carbs and take out all the soda, and drink more water, and i have been eating a lot of flax. already my chest is starting to slim down. now i think i need to start interval training and see what that does.

    • Nice one Caleb.

      Flax contains lots of healthy fiber and omega-3’s, very good for losing man boobs.

      It’s got some bad press lately because it contains phytoestrogens, but all the studies show that phytoestrogens, when they come as part of a whole-food, as opposed to isolated forms in lab experiments, are GOOD for you, and reduce the overall estrogenicity in your body.

      Keep up the good work buddy!

      If you want to learn how to use HIIT in a way that’s best for losing man boobs, pick up a copy of Paleolithic HIIT here:

    • Hi Kay.

      I recommend whole-body resistance training workouts that involve the legs. When done correctly, these stimulate fat burning hormones like testosterone and growth hormone.

      The barbell squat and deadlift are good lower body exercises, and it’s good to combine these with good compound upper body exercises like dips and barbell rows.

      You’ll find more info on full body resistance training for losing man boobs in my program, the Chest Sculpting Blueprint:

  6. Hi Garry,

    So is it ok running in the treadmill for 30 min or even an hour a day?
    And also what your saying is to cut out sugery items and eat more fruit,vegetable,and protien? Thanks for the reply ??

  7. Gary, i have recently started going back to the gym, exorcising 3-4 times a week. I am a big guy. 300 lbs 5 ft 11. Unfortunately i am built like my father. Ive never really been able to build a lot of noticable muscle. I usually do about 45 minutes of cardio then lift. Benchpress, chest exorcises, crunches etc. I gave up soda, sugary drinks about 2 months ago and have been trying to eat healthier. I can feel a huge improvement in my testosterone as far as my love life with my wife and am starting to see my belly shrink. The thing is i am struggling to physically lose the pounds and my man boobs dont seem to be shrinking as much. At first i felt the “burn” in my chest for a day or so after lifting, but now that doesnt seem to be happening. Any insight on where i should go next to shrink my man boobs and continue to lose weight but yet build muscle? Thanks!

    • Hey Jeremy, great to hear you’ve given up the soda and sugary drinks. This will definitely help raise those testosterone levels.

      You really should stop doing those 45 minutes of cardio! Just focus on the lifting, and if you want to add in some cardio, do your cardio on days you are not lifting weights.

      That 45 minute cardio session will drain your body’s resources, making sure you grow little or no muscle from your weight training session.

      All the studies have shown that traditional cardio, despite burning calories, is completely ineffective at helping people to lose weight. If you DO do cardio on those non weight training days, you should do high intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT, like weight training, conditions your body to get better at burning fat. It also maintains muscle mass and boosts testosterone (which will help you lose man boobs).

      With weight training, you need to do a whole body weight training regimen that focuses on targeting the largest muscle groups in your body. Stop doing crunches, they won’t help you at all at this stage. Know that chest exercises DO NOT directly burn chest fat. You may feel your chest “burn” after training your chest, but that burn is in your muscles, it’s not an indication that the overlying fat is being burned.

      When you do whole body weight training by targeting the largest muscle groups in your body, you stimulate your body’s metabolism and boost testosterone and other fat burning hormones like human growth hormone. You also improve insulin sensitivity, which further helps to burn fat.

      Also, the legendary Vince Gironda used to say that body sculpting was 85% diet, and I totally agree. He also said that you should not count calories, but rather, count grams of carbs. When it comes to body fat reduction, you need to reduce your carb intake. Giving up the sugary drinks is a great start, but you also need to avoid those grain-based carbs and starchy veggies like potatoes.

      You’ll find more information on diet, and a great general outline on how to lose man boobs naturally in my program by the same name:

      You’ll find more info on weight training for growing muscle, losing body fat, and losing man boobs, in my program, the Chest Sculpting Blueprint:

      I know what you mean when you say you’re built like your father. I’m like that too. My own father has what looks like terrible genes — no strength, no muscle, overweight his whole life, man boobs… but that’s only because he never knew how to train, and he never really bothers to exercise.

      When you train the right way, you can activate your genes like your father never did. The potential to burn fat and grow muscle is within all of us, it’s right there in your genes. If it doesn’t show in your father, then it’s only because he never engaged his genes and his hormones using the right type of exercise.

      Also, if you want to do HIIT, the best form I advise for losing man boobs and transforming your physique, is Paleolithic HIIT:

  8. Hey Garry,
    I haven’t started my excercises nor diets on loosing my man boobs. After reading all these comments. iguess eating alot of flax and consuming water would be good for my body right?

    • Hi Steve. Yes, that’s a start. It will help if you cut out those grain-based carbs, eat some testosterone boosting foods, avoid environmental estrogen exposure, and did whole-body weight training too.

    • Hey Dany, good question.

      Man boobs and fertility can be related. Man boobs happen due to either low testosterone or high estrogen levels (or a combination of low testosterone and high estrogen). Low testosterone and/or high estrogen are thought to be the main reason why fertility problems are on the rise in the modern day.

      So in theory, using methods that help you LOSE man boobs–by boosting testosterone and reducing estrogen exposure, can indeed help boost your sperm production, boost the quality of your sperm, and improve your fertility.

  9. You really have a good method overthere! i’ll try my best to follow all those methods to tone up my upper body muscle. is it okay if i avoid gym and focus on home based workout? and since im a indian, my nutrition consist of high carbohydrates mainly, i’m not sure how to substitute the with differ kind of food. could you suggest me any?

    • Hi Aaron. Do go ahead and train at home, you’ll be more focused and you won’t waste any time waiting in line to use a piece of equipment.

      It can seem impossible to avoid grain-based carbs at first, but when you get started, it really isn’t so bad. Focus on eating meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, lots of veggies and a modest serving of fruit.

      I’ve noticed how much Indians are addicted to curry–and I don’t blame you, when cooked right, it’s the best food in the world, nothing comes close. What you can do is adapt your cooking so you can eat the curry on its own WITHOUT any grain-based carbs. Use less spices, and add lots of veggies. I cook this cabbage curry every now and then, with either red meat, chicken or fish, and it tastes delicious! The best thing about it is I can have it without rice or naan bread.

    • I know! So are french fries and donner kebab! Which is why I allow myself the occasional indulgence. Go by the 80/20 rule and you’ll be fine.

  10. Thanks for the Tips Garry. I actually got here by looking for bench press to the neck, but now I read more articles there somewhere is a key in to get rid of that funny layer of fat around my waist and no progress in chest.. (chest and shoulder are hard, while my arms are easy)

    I was never a big guy but did occasionaly go to the gym. Then 2 years ago I started Stronglifts 5 x 5 and saw something change. But I hit a limit, got ill and quit. Then I got all kind of trouble probably because I just quit and do nothing.

    I’m in IT and work at a desk all day, and I know that is the worst thing ever, so in March this year I picked up the 5 x 5 program again, and again I see some change (No more back ace, more muscular, but still a bit fatty)

    Reading your articles I should try to add Brasilian Nuts/Advocado/beef to my daily menu to get rid of that fatty stuff.

    So what I will do is lift heavier each training according to my program, Eat more t-boost food, cut on bread and suger and try to sleep more. I’ll check progress for the comming 4 weeks and see if some change is noticable

    Thanks !

    • Nice one Bart, congratulations for getting back into training again.

      If you work a desk job, then all the more reason for you to do short bursts of high intensity training. It signals to your body that physical performance is important for your daily survival, so your body responds by boosting your health and boosting your physical performance.

      One thing I’d like to add is if you’re looking for muscle growth, fat loss, and higher levels of T to make up for those long hours in a seated position, you’d do better with a higher volume regimen than 5×5. You’d see better results with 3 sets of 10 reps, with a 1 to 1.5 minute rest interval.

  11. Is Raisin Bran ok?Also, would replacing things with whole wheat be an option? For example, whole wheat pasta or bread loaf?

    • Cereals, included those considered “healthy” like Raisin Bran, are in fact NOT healthy. It’s far better to have whole wheat as opposed to the processed ‘white’ variety of grains, but even whole wheat grains are bad for you, as the whole wheat variety of grains are still carb-dense and also contain antinutrients like gluten and phytates.

    • Avoid anything too starchy or with too much sugar. Potatoes for example are a starchy vegetable you should avoid if you want to reduce body fat or lose man boobs. Avoid sweet fruit like ripe bananas (the green variety is perfectly fine).

      These aren’t necessarily “bad” for you like grains are, they’ll just make you fat if you eat too much of them.

  12. Hey Garry,

    Firstly, I would like to thank you for the piece of information you have shared with us, good job on that. Secondly, i would like to ask you a few questions about my diet and exercise plan. I have excessive body fats around my chest and belly and to deal with them i run for almost 30-35 minutes daily after getting back from office. I’m on a strict diet as well. Only eat vegetable salad mixed with boiled red beans in lunch and dinner. Is it enough ? or do i really need to do chest work outs ? And how long is it going to take before i start seeing results ? Again, Thank you for the article. It was very helpful.

    • Hi Sherry

      Running for 30 minutes, while good for you, is not an effective method to reduce body fat. You’re better off spending those 30 minutes doing either HIIT or whole body weight training.

      Vegetables are very good for you, but beans are too carb dense and can prevent weight loss, or even cause weight gain. If you are not vegetarian, I would suggest adding eggs, meat and fish to your diet. If you are vegetarian, then stick to vegetables, nuts, seeds and eggs.


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