How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally – What Nobody Else Is Telling You

How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally

I've had man boobs ever since I was 12 years old.

And I'm not just talking about a big chest, I'm talking full-on pubertal gynecomastia with tender nipples.

I tried every method you can think of to try and learn how to lose man boobs naturally, and finally by age 25 I managed to crack the code and build a great chest and great body to boot.

Ever since I lost my own man boobs, I've been helping other guys lose their man boobs too as a personal trainer.

I've found time and time again that guys around the world with man boobs are making the same mistakes I made back in the day.

Most guys are making the same mistakes, because all the so-called fitness “experts” are parroting the same wrong advice on how to lose man boobs.

The advice you get from bodybuilding magazines, men's health magazines, other personal trainers, doctors, and the general advice you see online, does not help you lose man boobs.

That's because most of these fitness experts never had man boobs themselves. They may be experts at building great bodies for themselves, but they're not experts at helping other guys lose their man boobs.

That's where I come in. Since I had man boobs myself, I've lost my own man boobs, and I've helped other guys lose their man boobs, it puts me in a unique position to help you lose your man boobs.

So without further ado, let me start by telling you…

…What Everybody Else Is Doing Wrong

Most guys with man boobs are frantically doing push-ups, bench presses, and other chest exercises to try and get rid of their man boobs.

But when you only do chest exercises, all it does is grow the muscle underneath your man boobs, and this just pushes your man boobs out more, making them look bigger.

The truth is, as much as you might feel the “pump” in your chest when you do 50 push-ups, it's not a sign that fat is being burned in the area.

Fat loss does not happen this way, your body does not preferentially burn the fat surrounding the muscle being worked. Just like you can't crunch your way to six pack abs, you can't push-up your way to a man boob free chest.

Other guys think cardio is the solution. They read in a magazine that they need to burn more calories than they consume, so they spend an hour a day on the treadmill to burn off those calories.

I've tried this many times. I've done several hours a day of cardio 6 days a week. What ends up happening with this approach is you lose fat from the rest of your body, but your man boobs stay the same.

This is because man boobs are not a calorie problem. Man boobs are a hormone problem.

The other mistake guys with man boobs commonly make, is they think they need to go on a low calorie and/or a low fat diet, to take in fewer calories than they burn.

Again, just like with cardio, this approach doesn't work because man boobs are not a calorie problem.

The key is to focus on doing the types of exercises and eating the types of food that shift the hormones in your body that are responsible for you having man boobs in the first place.

To lose man boobs, you need to first now…

What Causes Man Boobs?

The main reason men grow boobs is because of high levels of the female hormone estrogen in the body, and/or low levels of the male hormone testosterone.

When your training, diet and lifestyle focuses on reducing estrogen and boosting testosterone in your body, that's when big changes happen, that's how you get rid of your man boobs naturally, and you can do it without having to train for hours on end every day, without having to starve yourself, and without having to avoid all your favorite foods.

You'll lose your man boobs quickest if you use the following…

4 Methods For Losing Man Boobs Naturally

#1: Whole Body Weight Training, Not Just Push-Ups & The Bench Press

Too many guys at the gym only work their upper body, because that's where all the glory is, right? We all want to have six pack abs with a powerful set of pecs we can show off when we go topless at the beach, few guys are obsessed with having a decent looking set of thighs or calves.

But the truth is, the secret to having a great looking upper body, is to train your legs.

Studies show that training your legs boosts levels of the male hormone testosterone, more-so than training the smaller muscles in your upper body.

Boosting testosterone with leg training will not only help you lose your man boobs, it will also help boost muscle growth in your upper body.

But you don't just train your legs of course, the key is to boost testosterone with leg training, and maximize upper body muscle growth with upper body training. So the key is to do whole-body weight training.

Another important body part guys often neglect in the gym is the back.

Just like with the legs, few guys want to impress the girls with a muscular back. But the truth is, if you want your chest to look good, it's just as important to train your back.

Firstly, your back muscles are far bigger than your chest muscles, so you get a bigger testosterone boost from training your back than you do from training your chest.

Also, if you only train your chest, it creates an imbalance in your muscles, where your shoulders are held forwards by your stronger chest muscles, creating a posture that makes your man boobs look bigger. When your back muscles are equally strong, your shoulders are held further back, your upper body looks wider, and your man boobs look smaller.

Click here to learn more about the importance of building a wide chest by training your back.

Click here for more detail on how to lose man boobs with weight training.

#2: HIIT, Not Long Distance Cardio

Everywhere I look, people are going about cardio all wrong.

According to conventional wisdom, you have to run/cycle/swim in the fat-burning “zone” for as long as possible to burn as much fat as possible. The longer you run/cycle/swim, the more fat you lose. But here's the problem…

Studies show that endurance athletes have lower testosterone levels than even the average couch potato who does no exercise at all.

The reason you lose weight with conventional cardio, yet don't lose chest fat, is because traditional steady state cardio reduces your testosterone levels.

But did you know that there's another way to do cardio that boosts testosterone levels?

This other form of cardio also turns on a fat burning switch in your body, that keeps you burning fat for many hours after the workout.

This other form of cardio is called high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Professional sprinters like use a form of HIIT to increase their sprinting speed. Higher testosterone levels from their HIIT training is probably why sprinters are so ripped and muscular, as opposed to endurance athletes, who are usually thin and frail, and often even chubby.

I've come across a number of studies that suggest HIIT beats traditional cardio out of the park when it comes to fat loss. Take this study by Tremblay et al., published in the journal, Metabolism, where HIIT resulted in a 9-fold greater reduction in skinfold thickness than traditional cardio.

The good thing about HIIT is you can put in just a few minutes of effort 3 days a week, and get some tremendous results, both in terms of fat loss and man-boob reduction.

It's all about the quality of the exercise, not the quantity. And thank God for that, because I don't know about you, but I'm a busy guy and I really don't have the time to take 2 hours a day for exercise.

Click here to learn more about how to use HIIT for losing man boobs

#3: Eat Right, Not Less

I know, diet isn't as sexy as exercise, but the truth is, if your diet isn't in the right place, no amount of exercise will help you.

According to the legendary Vince Gironda, who knew more about sculpting a great physique back in the 1960's than anyone I know even today, body sculpting is 85% diet.

Conventional wisdom would have it that if you want to lose weight, you need to starve yourself on a low calorie and low fat diet.

But this is a terrible approach for losing man boobs, because studies show that both low calorie diets and low fat diets reduce testosterone levels.

So just like with long distance cardio, conventional diets – by reducing testosterone – would have you losing fat from everywhere but your chest.

The key to losing man boobs is to eat foods that boost testosterone levels and either don't raise or reduce estrogen levels.

If you are also overweight, the good news is that these hormonal changes also help you to burn fat from the rest of your body.

The latest studies are showing that eating fat doesn’t make you fat, nor does it give you heart disease. Since we also know that eating fat boosts testosterone levels, and boosting testosterone helps reduce man boobs, then an important part of a man boob busting diet is to eat a high fat diet.

One thing that researchers unanimously agree on, is that a diet high in both fat and carbohydrate, is a surefire way to rapid weight gain. Since fat is the key to boosting testosterone and losing man boobs, the path to losing man boobs and staying lean and healthy, is to go on a high fat, low carbohydrate diet.

But there's a lot more to know about how to eat right to lose man boobs. For more details, click here to discover the best diet for losing man boobs.

#4: Take Genuine Proven Supplements, Not Scammy “Gyne Pills”

There are a whole load of scammy “gynecomastia” pills on the internet that cost an arm and a leg in monthly fees. I tried them all and not a single one delivered on its promise.

In the end, what worked were a few inexpensive, all-natural supplements that are known to reduce the effects of the female hormone estrogen on the body. Of these, the most powerful I've discovered so far is the Indian spice turmeric.

Curcumin from turmeric blocks estrogen on a cellular level. It does this so well, that studies show it may be just as powerful as the medical estrogen blocking drug, tamoxifen.

Tamoxifen is the go-to drug that doctors often prescribe their patients with man boobs. But I believe turmeric is possibly more powerful than tamoxifen, because turmeric extracts have not only been found to be just as effective as tamoxifen at blocking estrogen, but they also make multiple other changes in your body that could help you lose your man boobs…

Turmeric helps your liver excrete estrogens from your body, it's both a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant, both of which helps support testosterone production by the testes. It also helps reduce insulin resistance (insulin resistance is associated with low testosterone levels).

If you've got man boobs, turmeric is definitely something you should try. Click here to learn more about how turmeric can help you lose your man boobs

If you want to start taking a turmeric supplement, here's the one that I've found to work the best at shrinking man boobs and puffy nipples:

How To Lose Man Boobs The Smart Way

Getting rid of man boobs doesn't have to be difficult.

Most guys put all their effort into the wrong methods, and see little or no results. They watch the Rocky movies and think it's all about pushing yourself to the limit.

But if you put just a fraction of that effort into the right methods, you'll be shocked by how quickly your body transforms.

The key is to focus on hormones rather than on calories.

Trust me, when you sort out your hormones, the transformation in your body will seem almost automatic.

To date I've had hundreds of replies from guys who have lost their man boobs using my methods. They've told me how their chest just suddenly started to flatten out, almost like it happened out of the blue.

Here's what some of my past clients have told me:

“As a kid I was always skinny and had man boobs, which was really embarrassing. You give me hope that there was a way to overcome this.

Thanks to your information (diet & exercise) I'm in a place where I feel confident walking shirtless.

I went from ‘hating’ my chest to ‘liking’ my chest”

…Ricky Bogema. North Brabant, Netherlands.

“I've done everything in the losing man boobs naturally guide for about a week give or take a day and there's already results. I've changed my diet to completely low carb between 50-100 carbs a day and eating mostly protein and vegetables. I can actually feel my testosterone effects I believe.”

…Christov Emberley. Canada.

Sir I myself also have improvements on my man boobs since I've started taking up turmeric. Paired with high fat low carb diet it really works with just two months my man boobs is smaller compared to last two months. My peers and family noticed the results I'm much more confident today.

…Ernie John. Bacolod City, Philippines.

Where Can You Learn More About How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally?

Over the years, as a personal trainer who specializes in teaching guys how to lose man boobs, I have helped thousands of guys avoid the surgeon's knife by getting rid of their man boobs using natural methods.

My old client John is a perfect example of how you can go from having big man boobs with puffy nipples, to being flat-chested in a matter of weeks, and how you can do this without starving yourself and without spending hours in the gym every day.

The best way for you to learn how to lose man boobs naturally, is to see how John did it here:

Click here to discover how John lost his man boobs in 67 days

304 thoughts on “How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally – What Nobody Else Is Telling You”

    • Yes it can. Though admittedly, pointy or puffy nipples are more difficult to get rid of than just chest fat. Pointy/puffy nipples are usually there as a result of enlarged breast glands. Though breast glands can be removed via the natural method, they are a lot more stubborn than adipose (fat) tissue. In a select few cases, the only way to remove breast glands is via surgery. This is where your breast glands are unusually large and have been there for many years.

      • does HIIT can blast away my breast glands ? though you say pointy and puffy nipples are dificult to get rid… but can the right exercise and diet cant blast away my nipples and flatten it ? i think its gonna take a lot of discipline in my diet and exercise right ?

        • You can, it’s not impossible, but with puffy/pointy nipples, without seeing you face to face, I can’t guarantee it, because some people do fail. Sometimes the breast glands (if you have them) are just too tough and hardened to remove without surgery.

          Diet is far more important than any form of exercise, and yes, a little discipline does help, but your diet doesn’t have to be miserable. In my program, How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally, I discuss how you can get away with eating some delicious foods that will actually help BOOST your testosterone levels, and help get rid of man boobs.

  1. Hi

    I have been in the fitness industry teaching cardio classes for years and always been athletic slim. Over 7 month-1 year now I have cut back tremendously and been hitting the weights following some of these programs and seen great results. However, my lower chest does not seem to react to anything.

    I have asked several personal trainers and they just tell me to bulk but because my lower chest seems so stubborn with this bit of fat, not in a big way but its something that drives me crazy when I do put weight on, my abs tend to fade which I wouldn’t mind if my pecs looked like they were filling out.

    My goal is to increase my size and muscle mass – my upper pecs are getting bigger and tighter but if I lift my arms and jump for example my chest just moves which I’m told is fat.

    Ive had blood tests done to see if testosterone is low – and its not. I checked with 2 docs if there was gyno there, and there wasn’t. Docs have told me I’m concentrating on this too much but I’m simply wanting to remove the lower excess fat so my lower chest looks as good as my upper has finally become.

    I am stumped as to what to do. my pecs look awesome when pumped and cold and nipple hard but once i finished working out and warm they look crap at the lower region.

    Ive worked on the separation so pretty much I’m happy with most areas but this lower part I really am lost as to what to do except go get the fat removed maybe.

    Im more stumped as I’ve always trained, ate healthy, researched ways to maybe increase my testosterone so in your experience can you possibly see where I may be going wrong?

    I’m also at the point of wanting to keep building size and upping my calorie intake to do this as I’m growing everywhere else. I also try to split my workouts up with 3-4 days heavy weight lifting and mix it with some crossfit so some high intensity interval workouts in that.

    I had my body fat % taken the other day and I’m only 8% and people have told me to lower it to ‘cut’ my lower pecs. If I cut any more I’ll be skinny as and I’ve been skinnier before when doing all the cardio classes.

    Any advice would be greatful.

    Maybe my nutrition is wrong? I eat 6-7 meals a day chicken, rice, sweet potatoes tuna, broccoli, I have green tea, fruits, almonds, natural peanut butter.

    Look forward to your response

    • Hi, wow! I’m pretty sure that’s the longest comment I’ve ever read.

      I’ll avoid giving an in-depth response here, as I don’t want this comment to hijack the page.

      Reading through your comment, I have two main concerns:

      Concern #1: Your testosterone levels

      You can’t trust most doctors to tell you whether your testosterone levels are normal or not. Most labs have a “reference range” for “normal” testosterone levels, that doesn’t take into account a patient’s age or state of health. If your testosterone levels fall within this range, you will be told you have “normal” testosterone levels. The trouble is, in most labs, the reference range is deduced from the testosterone levels of all sorts of different men, ranging from fit healthy 19-year olds, to 84 year old obese, near-crippled diabetic men.

      The reference range in one lab I remember, was 241 to 827 ng/dl. That’s a HUGE range. 241 ng/dl may be OK for an elderly diabetic, but it wouldn’t be normal for a 20-year old. Yet if you got your lab results and went to your doctor as a 20-year old college football player with a testosterone of 241 ng/dl, your doctor would tell you your testosterone levels were “normal”.

      Your goal, no matter how old or unwell you are, should always be to push your testosterone to as close to the UPPER limit of that range as possible – using natural methods, of course. You should also look at your levels of “bioavailable testosterone”, rather than at total testosterone.

      From your story, it seems that it’s likely you are overtraining. Studies show that chronic overtraining can lead to low resting levels of testosterone. You may need to cut back on your training and adopt a more hormone-based training regimen, like the one I outline in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint.

      Also, to boost testosterone, your diet could do with some adjustments. Studies have shown that sugars and complex carbohydrates both reduce testosterone levels via multiple different mechanisms. These include direct inhibition of testosterone production by the testes, testosterone inhibition centrally in the brain, and an increase in insulin resistance (insulin resistant men being shown to have low testosterone levels).

      Drop your intake of rice and sweet potatoes (yes, they contain lots of beta carotene and fiber, but they are still very carb dense). Go easy on the fruit. Stick to meat, fish, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruit (in moderation).

      Concern #2: Maybe you ARE concentrating on this too much?

      I’ve come across some people who aren’t happy with the appearance of their body no matter HOW normal they seem to everyone else. I don’t know you, so I have no idea if you fall into this category of people. If you do, then no amount of exercise, diet, or lifestyle changes will help you. Heck, you probably won’t even be satisfied with surgery.

      You would need to take a more psychological approach by learning to accept the way you are, and learning to stop caring what other people think about you. Funny enough, I’ve found when you stop caring what other people think about you, other people suddenly just start to like you more. A good author that can help you in this realm of things, is Ekhart Tolle, in his book, Power of Now.

      Hope this was helpful

  2. Hi Garry i was wondering how to purchase your book and how much it is ? I have been suffering from manboobs since i was 14 and now im 20.. Please help me out , thanks

  3. Hey Garry,

    Thanks for your excellent resources and information. A few questions here.. if I’m running low on choices is it worse to eat carbs (such as rice) or meat (that is not organic)? Also is chicken worse than eating beef (both not organic?). Thank you again!

    • With non-organic, it totally depends on the source of your meat, and which country you are in. Wherever you are, if you can’t get a hold of organic, then the next best thing is to find a small local farm and ask them if they use any hormones or chemicals. In my experience, a small, family-run farm is less likely to use anything nasty like growth hormones or antibiotics to make their animals live longer or grow faster.

      It is always worse to eat grain-based carbs like rice than it is to eat meat. There is nothing wrong about eating meat, though it’s better if vegetables take up the bulk of the space on your plate.

      Meat is a good source of protein. Also, cholesterol from animal fat is used to produce testosterone in the body. Studies show that vegetarianism results in lower testosterone levels.

  4. Hey Garry,
    I am 26 years old. i have been gymming for more than 5-6 years now. But i am very irregular to it. Many a times the gap between my workouts is months. My chest are such that when i train or do workout it gives a hard & proper shape feeling, but when i am not training or when i am at rest, it appears like man boobs. I am confused as to whether i am suffering from man boobs or not. And if yes, what should be my workout regime, considering that my job is such that many a times i have to travel away from my home.

  5. Hi Garry,

    I am 13, and I have moobs and belly fat.

    I am a very serious and competitive tennis player and I want to get in shape. My family only buys food from Whole Foods, and I only eat unhealthy things when taken out for dinner or at my school for lunch and neither happen very often.

    Unfortunately though, I do at a lot of pasta and grain-related things, and people often say I have a very big appetite.

    I do tennis for 3 hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with Mondays having 1 hour of fitness at the beginning. The other two days of the school week, I go to the gym and do strength machines.

    I have heard that stress can partly cause obesity, and since I go to a very prestigious school, there is a lot of homework and I often stay up until 10 because of the tennis. I was thinking about getting a personal trainer, so I wanted to know what your opinion on what I should do is.

    I also don’t know if puberty is somehow involved, but I would love to hear what I should do.

    • Hi Will

      Pasta and other grain-based foods are as unhealthy as it gets! You have more of a chance of losing body fat on a diet of donner kebabs (minus the pita bread, minus the chips, and minus the soda), than you would on a diet of pasta.

      There’s a program called Fat Head, where a guy eats fast food for every meal of the day for a few weeks. The only change he makes is he ditches the carbs. He’ll have a burger without the bun, he’ll get a meal without chips and without any soft drinks. By the end of the program, he actually loses weight!

      Though I still wouldn’t advise you only eat fast food. It’s better to eat healthy food that is low in carbs.

      No amount of tennis (or any other exercise) will undo a bad diet.

      If you want to lose body fat or lose man boobs, you’ve got to ditch the grains.

      Also, at 13, your hormones are very likely playing a role. In most kids, man boobs go away on their own after 2-3 years. But due to environmental chemical exposure, we are seeing more and more kids ending up with persistent pubertal gynecomastia, where their man boobs persist into adulthood.

      To reduce the chances of this happening, its important to keep your body fat count down, to avoid the grains, and to avoid exposure to environmental chemicals, and to find natural ways to boost your testosterone levels.

      Both stress and sleep play an important role in regulating your hormone levels. Try and keep your stress levels minimized, and sleep at least 8 (preferably 9) hours a day. Overtraining can have a huge negative impact on your testosterone levels, so you might have to consider cutting back a little on your training.

      A personal trainer CAN help. If you do get one, make sure he/she knows about the dangers of overtraining. I think what you need though, is less focus on training, and more focus on diet.

      I hope this helps.

      Best wishes,

  6. Hello my name is Michael.
    I work out around 3-4 times a week, I do mainly weight lifting, that being barbell press and deadlifts, i also hit my exercise bike a lot for maybe an hour every time i work out, and i burn about 500 calories on that, then i also move on to some other cardio based stuff, but my problem is i have a real bad diet and i think my T levels may be a little low, and thus causing man boobs now i don’t mean little moobs that can be hidden under a t-shirt no, i mean giant moobs, i used to slouch a lot to try and hide them when i was younger but now i’m 18 and i’m trying hard to lose them! But since i’ve been working out my belly seems to have flattened out a bit but my man boobs look bigger now, my arms are starting to gain muscle too, but i need more advice and help..

    I also must add i only get 6-7 hours sleep a day will this make me have worse moobs? Help me!

    • Hi Michael

      It’s good that you lift weights, but how effective this will be depends on how you are lifting your weights – how many sets and reps you are doing, your rest intervals, which exercises you do, etc. Barbell press and deadlifts are good exercises, but they alone are not enough. You need to incorporate a whole-body regimen.

      Endurance training is very unhelpful when it comes to losing man boobs. Going on your exercise bike for 1 hour at a time burning 500 calories, will do very little to help you. If you want to do cardio, I suggest doing HIIT.

      Diet is king. I tell every one of my clients that no amount of exercise will undo a bad diet. If you have a bad diet, then you need to fix it! Check out the diet section on my website for some pointers.

      Sleep is important too. Most of your testosterone is produced while you sleep, so sleeping only 6-7 hours a day will definitely reduce your testosterone levels. Natural bodybuilders from the classic era of bodybuilding, were known to sleep around 9 hours a day to boost testosterone levels.

      And finally, for anyone suffering with man boobs, I always suggest seeing your doctor to rule out any possible underlying disease processes. It’s unlikely at your age, but you can never be sure unless you get it checked out.

  7. Hi Garry,

    I am 29 years old. 5 FT 10 inches. 78 kgs.
    I have been following the routine that you outlined for quite some time now – almost 8 months. I do HIIT regularly for 30 -45 min. I eat a low carb diet. I do weight training (not very heavy weights).

    I used to have moobs – but thanks to the routine, i have been able to cut it down a lot .But i think i have reached a saturation point. Yes my chest is very much improved from how it was but now i feel its become stagnant. There is no improvement since the last 1 month. I began to train more and harder but then I stopped from the fear of over trainining.

    Now I am confused, if I should train more or not? Diet is pretty much same but I confess I used to have a cheat day every saturday. I have stopped having cheat days from last 1 month. But there is no visible improvement. Yes my overall body shape is getting better but these moobs! they are not disappearing for good! Is there anything I can do to or will I have to be contend with the improvement I got and not expect anymore?

    Thanks man!

    • Hey Shery

      Firstly, congratulations on the improvements you have made.

      It’s very difficult for me to help you without a one-on-one consultation, but I’ll do my best.

      I have no idea how much you are training already, but in most cases, training “more” is usually not the answer. If you have been training well enough to get some decent results, then it’s likely that you need a change in the way you train to help get you out of your plateau.

      There are many theories about how you can get past a training plateau. They can all be grouped into two different categories. The first is where you ignore the plateau and continue training as you are, always trying to increase the load/intensity, and eventually you will come out of the plateau. The second is where you make some changes to your training to shock your body out of the plateau.

      I’ve generally found the second approach to work better for most, but getting past plateaus is not an exact science, so I could be wrong. If you choose to change things up, you could try switching to strength training for a few months. You could try changing the exercises (e.g. from front squats to back squats, or from bent over barbell rows to pullups), or you can even try split-routines for a short period. I’m not sure if you have a copy of the Chest Sculpting Blueprint, but I discuss weight training in detail in this program.

      With HIIT, you would change up the intensity, duration, and rest intervals of your sprints (more about this in my program on Paleolithic HIIT).

      With diet and lifestyle changes for reducing estrogenicity and increasing androgenicity in your body, at this point, I would strongly recommend checking your hormone levels. With testosterone, be sure to check either your free testosterone levels, or better, your bioavailable testosterone levels.

      In almost every case where one of my one on one clients have hit a plateau, we’ve managed to work together to find a way of tweaking their diet and lifestyle to help further boost their results. If your man boobs are still there, then you need to look at your diet closely, and look closely at your environment to see if you are exposing yourself to environmental estrogens/anti-androgens that you are not currently aware of. It will also help if you did some extra research to find ways of boosting your testosterone levels naturally.

      Seeing as you’ve gotten some good results, I’m assuming you already have a copy of my program, How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally. If not, then this program will guide you on how to identify the factors in your life that could be causing your body to hold on to your man boobs.

      Also, as I am with all of my clients, customers and readers, I’m going to be totally honest with you. Despite all of the above measures, there are a few cases where, though a guy has managed to significantly reduce the size of his chest, he struggles with that last bit of nipple fat or puffiness. In a few such cases, the only way to go the whole 9 yards and get rid of man boobs completely, is via surgery.

      I have no idea if this is the case with you. In the vast majority of cases, surgery can be completely avoided. But I just had to let you know that there is a possibility you may need it. Before it comes to surgery though, there is still so much more you can do in terms of natural methods. You’ve only been in your plateau for a month, and that’s way too early to give up!

      If you do end up taking the surgical route, you’ll be glad you first reduced the size of your man boobs right down using the natural approach. The bigger your man boobs are, the greater the chance and severity of complications from surgery. Complications like permanent scarring, permanent deformity and recurrence of man boobs, are significantly reduced when you go under the scalpel with just a bit of nipple fat as opposed to having massive man boobs.

      So, the bottom line is, don’t give up! There’s still so much more you can do. Change up your exercise, identify those hormone-altering factors in your life, and just keep at it! You’ll get there eventually.

    • Hi Sagar

      There is no point in doing cardio-style workouts for the upper back. Any cardio exercise should involve either the legs alone (e.g. running, cycling), or the legs and arms together (e.g. swimming, elliptical machine). Cardio should involve multiple large muscle groups to stimulate the heart and lungs, and the body’s metabolism.

      I’m guessing you are asking this question because you want to reduce fat from the upper back? Trying to remove fat from a particular part of the body by exercising the muscles in that part of the body, is called spot reduction, and it doesn’t work. Just like you can’t remove belly fat by doing situps, and you can’t reduce chest fat by doing pushups, you can’t reduce back fat by doing back exercises.

      The best way to reduce fat from a particular part of the body, is to focus on your diet (I recommend a low carbohydrate diet). It also helps if you add in whole body weight training, which will stimulate your hormones and body’s metabolism in a way that helps reduce generalized body fat. On top of that, you can add in traditional cardio exercises like running, swimming and cycling.

      If, on the other hand, you want to develop your back muscles, then you should be doing resistance exercises like pullups and the bent-over barbell row.

  8. -So I should even avoid eating healthy foods like whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice if I want to get rid of my man boobs Mr. Davidson ?
    -Also I eat 3 egg whites almost every morning for breakfast to get the high protein, what’s your opinion on that ? Do u think theirs something better I can do for a good protein boosts for mornings, assuming if the egg whites r bad or have a negative impact on my T-levels ?

    Would greatly appreciate your reply !!

    • Who said whole grains were healthy? That’s conventional wisdom talking right there. Whole grains may be healthier than processed grains, given the higher fiber and micronutrient content, but they are still very carb-dense, and will make it difficult to get rid of those man boobs.

      Egg whites are great, nothing wrong with them. But why just whites? If you want a testosterone boost, the yolk will help you more than the white. The yolk contains cholesterol. Testosterone is made FROM cholesterol. If you’re going to go low carb, you’re going to have to increase your fat intake.

  9. Hi garry
    i bought your chest sculpting blue print, what a great book
    and i have finished the 12 week beginner program i am still training with good results
    but theres only one problem despite doing shoulder presses and dips my shoulders and arms are not growing and im doing full body workout
    also my diet is low carb
    can you please help me

    • Hi Sarmad

      If you want your arms to grow, consider changing from the barbell bent over row, to chinups. Chinups are perhaps the single best compound exercise for the biceps. If your triceps are not responding to dips, it may mean that your chest is weaker than your triceps in this movement, so your chest is getting fatigued before your triceps get in much of a workout. I would normally advise you just keep at it, and your triceps will start to respond over time as your chest gets stronger. However, if you are in a rush to get those arms big, then you might consider adding in some isolation exercises like triceps extensions after doing dips. If you are at the gym, remember that cable exercises are almost always better than dumbbells when it comes to isolation exercises.

      With shoulders, you might consider doing the gironda lateral raise.

  10. Does HIIT interfere with your progress of trying to gain muscle, because it might perhaps use up nutrients for muscle gains when the body is recovering ?

    And how many sets of HIIT do you personally recommend to get rid of man boobs, love handles and abdominal fat ?

    Like per day and times per week without interfering with muscle gains, if it affects it at all !

    Thanks for ur time coach !

    Sorry for all the questions, it’s just that if u can answer these questions I think I would have this body building figured out !

    • Hi Fabian

      There’s a lot more to learn if you want to get bodybuillding figured out! Lol, but I suppose the answers to your questions are a start.

      You raise a valid concern, one that there is no definitive answer for. Some bodybuilders are of the opionion that any form of cardio is best avoided because cardio eats into your body’s nutrients and recovery capacity. However, this is something I would only consider as an advanced bodybuilder who has lots of muscle mass to worry about.

      As your muscles get bigger, your recovery ability stays about the same. So the more muscle mass you have, the longer it takes for your body to recover, and the more nutrients you need for growth and repair.

      As a beginner and intermediate trainee, I am of the opinion that cardio, and especially HIIT, will help enhance your muscle growth results. This is mostly because of the effect HIIT has on your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. By enhancing these systems far beyond anything resistance training can achieve, you raise the bar on what you can achieve during your resistance trianing sessions. You feel less fatigued during your workout, so you can handle more weight, and progress more quickly over time on the amount of weight you can lift.

      In terms of how many sets of HIIT you should do, there is no hard and fast rule on how many sets will result in optimal bodyfat reduction. You should definitely do multiple sets, and refrain from doing too many sets. There are also so many other parameters involved, like how long each set is (do you sprint for 10 seconds? 30 seconds? 2 minutes?), how hard you push yourself during each set (do you always go at 100%? Or can it be beneficial to go at 75%?), how long do you rest between sets? How often do you train? etc etc. I discuss all of these parameters, and the best way to do HIIT for losing man boobs and reducing general body fat in my program, Paleolithic High Intensity Interval Training. You can learn more about it here:

  11. I have seen a couple of nutritional and body building experts say that once you have Gynecamastia (spelling) then you can not reverse it. As that mass cannot be burnt not matter what you do. Is that a myth and for some people surgery is the only option?

    • Hi Richard

      Yes, it’s true that with some people, surgery is the only option. But these cases are rare. People need surgery when they have had excess exposure to estrogen (and/or low testosterone levels) for prolonged periods of time. When you develop breast glands due to a high estrogen to testosterone ratio, these glands can undergo a process called fibrosis, usually over a span of 2-3 years. Supposedly, when your breast glands undergo fibrosis, you can only remove them via surgery.

      However, even if you have fibrosed breast glands, all is not lost:

      1. Non-surgical methods of male breast reduction can still help you get rid of the overlying fat in your man boobs. This alone will bring about a significant improvement in the way your chest looks.

      2. Fibrosed breast glands have to be beyond a certain size for them to cause any changes in the appearance of your chest/nipples. It’s rare for them to get that large.

      3. Some studies show that even fibrosed breast glands respond to medical therapy using drugs like tamoxifen raloxifene. If they respond to medical therapy, then they will also respond to the natural approach of male breast reduction.

      Surgeons will always tell you that if you have any form of man boobs whatsoever, then surgery is the only solution that’s worth considering. Doctors are like this all across the board, they tend to think their own medical/surgical therapy is the only option, when even the science proves them wrong!

      Doctors tell asthmatics that they have to rely on steroid inhalers for the rest of their lives, that diet and exercise will be of NO help (I’ve more or less cured my asthma by changing my diet, so I know that’s not true).

      Doctors tell cancer sufferers that all they can do is turn up for their chemotherapy, that they shouldn’t waste their time or energy trying to change their diet or improve their lifestyle. But we hear stories all the time of patients who reversed cancer because of a change in diet and lifestyle, and there are countless scientific studies that prove that diet and lifestyle are cruicial determinants of cancer progression.

      And it doesn’t stop with asthma, cancer and gynecomastia. There are countless medical conditions that respond well to natural, non-medical and non-surgical approaches, where your doctor will tell you only drugs and surgery will work – eczema, psoriasis, anxiety & depression, recurring abcesses, inflammatory bowel disease, and so on and so on.

      I’ve discovered over time, that you should take what so-called “experts” tell you with a grain of salt. If there is a condition that is bothering you in some way, you have to take matters into your own hand. You must work alongside your doctor of course, because many conditions do actually need medical/surgical intervention. But don’t listen to anyone who tells you there’s nothing else you can do. Always do your own research and go by your own knowledge and judgement when deciding if something will work or not.

  12. Hi Garry

    I need some advice. I never had a problem with moobs before and have always been athletic and lean. However, in June last year I started taking anti-anxiety medication called Cymgen in South Africa or Cybalta in US. I was on the stuff for nine months. I unfortunately developed man boobs and although I have been off the medication since March I have still not returned to normal. Will this problem tight itself on its own? Cheers Nick

    • Hi Nick

      With drug-induced gynecomastia (or any form of gynecomastia for that matter), it’s important to see your doctor. Your doctor should get some hormone levels done and may prescribe you some effective medication (e.g. tamoxifen) which can help reverse your gyne. Nine months generally is not long enough for any breast glands that may have formed, to undergo fibrosis. This means that you stand a good chance to be able to reverse your gynecomastia fully without surgery. However, you must act fast before your glands do undergo fibrosis. Start by seeing your doctor and considering medical therapy, then get started asap on a natural male breast reduction regimen.

    • It most certainly does. However, things are a little differnt in puberty. During puberty, your hormones are at a natural state of disarray. In most cases of pubertal gynecomastia, the man boobs go away all by themselves within 2-3 years after onset. However, due to environmental exposure to xenoestrogens and antiandrogens, more and more adolescents are finding that their man boobs persist beyond puberty.

      Using the natural methods of male breast reduction that I discuss in this article will help by doing the following:

      – It will reduce the chances that your man boobs will persist beyond puberty

      – It will help get rid of your man boobs sooner than if you were to just leave things alone and carry on as you are

      – It will decrease the size of your man boobs while you have them, and reduce any nipple tenderness that you may have

      The first point above is the most important. Studies show that simply achieiving and maintaining a low body fat count during puberty, will significantly reduce your chances of developing persistent pubertal gynecomastia. This is because high body fat levels are associated with high estrogen levels in the body. So if you use the methods in this article to reduce estrogen and boost testosterone, you will do more for yourself than simply reducing body fat ever will.

      I hope that makes sense.

  13. Hi I've been suffering from man boobs for about a year now and only on one side of my chest. Is that normal?…and recently I feel the size varying, like it isnt stable increases and decreases at its own will,what should I do?

    • Hi

      Unilateral gynecomastia is more likely to be associated with an underlying disease process, than bilateral gynecomastia. This is especially so if there are regular fluctuations in the size and/or shape of your breasts. The first thing you should do is see a doctor. If your doctor gives you the all-clear, THEN you may consider using the natural approach.

    • It can if done correctly – using short bursts of high intensity punches. Unfortunately however, traditional boxing is more of an endurance sport. I get a LOT of clients who are boxing pros, yet suffering from man boobs. This is because boxing training usually involves overtraining using endurance exercise. Studies show that endurance athletes have lower testosterone levels than even sedentary people.

    • Hi Imran

      Believe it or not, one of the best ways to get big arms is to do chinups, not biceps curls. Remember that the triceps muscles also comprise a large part of the volume of the arms, so be sure to work these too. Again, one of the best ways to build those triceps is by doing a compound exercise like chest dips.

      Legendary Arthur Jones once said that the biggest set of arms he ever saw was on a guy who only did chins and dips.

      Once you get good at doing chins and dips, you can further enhance things by adding in biceps curls (which work far better using a pulley cable system than free weights), and triceps extensions (again, due to the arc-like nature of the movement, it’s best to use a cable machine if you have access to one).

      For shoulders, a compound exercise for mass would be good, like the military press, or better, handstand pushups. To add further mass to the side deltoids, I would suggest the gironda-style lateral raise.

      Also, adding width to the upper back will help increase the perceived width of your shoulders. To do this, mix in some wide grip pullups with your chinups.

      Hope this helps.

    • Hi Kevin, thank you for your question.

      At 61, it’s likely that your man boobs are due to a natural decline in testosterone with age. I say “natural”, but it’s never really normal for a man to develop breasts, not even in old age. There’s no doubt that exposure to environmental chemicals is playing a role in age related gynecomastia.

      Provided your man boobs aren’t there for some disease-associated reason (such as an estrogen producing tumor, or a major issue with testosterone production), then age is not a barrier to being able to get a flat chest.

      As long as you are able to make good food choices and are healthy enough to do some exercise, then I see no reason why you can’t lose your man boobs at 61, or even at 71.

      Hope this helps,

  14. Hi Garry,

    Thank you for sharing all the great information in so honestly and generously; I have not yet seen a more comprehensive website that would cover everything from diet, sleep, and exercise at the same time on chest fat.

    I have been training for a almost six months now and lost +30 pounds of overall fat in my body. Despite all the rewarding parts of my training, I came to get seriously disappointed when I realized that the moobs are so hard to get rid of, not to mention that I became paranoid and started feeling that my nipples are placed lower than the end of my lower pecs. During the first three months of my training, I did 12 mins of HIIT and then about an hour of strength training (Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size and Shred from

    I just wanted to share some experience and thoughts. One HUGE mistake that I made was using supplements like protein shakes, glutamine, L-arginine, pink, multivitamins, casein, and some more stuff. The protein shakes (that I regularly tok before and after my workouts) actually put back all the calories I had managed to burn :D So I minimised my fat loss, not to mention that the liquid shakes put the calories back in, yet they didn’t help me feel full, so I needed up eating again (mostly crappy carbs).

    After the first three months, I decided to put away all the supplements except for the fish oil, and I finally started seeing faster results. I still have the moobs, and I am still a bit pessimistic, but having read all this info now, I am going to keep going and make some changed accordingly. I have also realized that the upper back development is the single most agreed-on resolution. Also, I have realized that developing good/bigger traps might help stretch the skin up so I can finally pull up my nipples and hanging nipples.

    Thanks again!

    • Hey Ruholla, thanks so much for your input.

      Yes, I often talk about how the supplement industry makes millions (?billions) of dollars every year at the expense of poor unsuspecting trainees who believe they need some magic formula in a pill to help them get ripped. If anyone reading this is burning a whole load of cash on supplements, stop taking those supplements right now and start putting some focus on good training and good eating. No supplement in the world can undo a bad diet.

      Keep at it buddy, eat well and train right and your chest WILL improve.

      Best wishes,


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