When it comes to losing man boobs, diet is 85% of the game. For losing man boobs, I’ve found the best diet is a variation of a low carb diet, where you avoid grains, sugars, and starchy veggies.
But that alone is not enough. For the best results in shrinking man boobs, I advise going on a hormonal diet, where you eat foods that boost the male hormone testosterone and reduce feminizing hormones like estrogen.
Click the links below to discover diet secrets that will shrink your man boobs fast.
3 Tips For Losing Man Boobs In Your Teens
I get a lot of young folk asking me for advice on how to lose man boobs. Though some cases of man boobs develop later in life, the vast majority …
Better Than Spinach for Losing Man Boobs
In the past, I told you about how eating raw spinach can help you burn fat, build muscle, and get rid of man boobs. I advised that you keep some …
6 Ways To Take Turmeric To Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs
Fresh Turmeric Root VS. Turmeric Powder You can either use fresh turmeric root, or use turmeric powder. With almost all natural whole-foods, the less processed it is, the better, so …
Losing Man Boobs With Flaxseeds
Studies have shown that flaxseeds inhibit the growth of human estrogen-dependent cancers. In the same way, they help to reduce man boobs by inhibiting the effects of excess estrogen. In …