In my previous post I told you about Marc S's success with Paleolithic HIIT.
All I currently do with HIIT, is a cycling sprint on my bicycle going up this hill near where I live.
The entire workout door to door is 10 minutes, and despite pushing my body to its limits, I barely break a sweat (because the workout it so short), which means no shower needed.
This stuff is EASY and profoundly effective, there's no reason why you shouldn't be doing it.
But the thing is, chances are that YOU can't do the same workout as me, even if you had the same bicycle with the same sized hill near your home.
Because you probably can't generate as much POWER as I can going up that hill – whether it be by sprint running or sprint cycling.
Let me explain why this is important.
Even if you sprinted up that hill with 100% effort just like me, rested for 2 minutes on the other end just like me, then sprinted back up the hill with 100% effort, the one difference is you would not have been able to sprint up that hill as fast as I do.
See, I've been training Paleolithic HIIT style for YEARS and I've developed the ability to generate some serious power in my body.
Studies show that the more power you can generate in a sprint, the higher your testosterone levels after the sprint.
Researchers have found that the Olympic sprinter who WINS has higher levels of post-sprint testosterone than all of the other sprinters, not just because of the psychological effect of winning, but also because the winner ran the fastest, meaning he generated more power in his sprint than all of the other sprinters in the race.
So the more power you can generate (which is something that comes with regular training over time), the more you benefit from doing HIIT.
Studies with weight training also show that advanced trainees get greater post-workout testosterone boosts than newbies do.
So an advanced lifter can generate a greater post-workout testosterone boost than a novice can.
In the same way, an advanced sprinter can generate a greater post-workout testosterone boost than a novice can.
That's why if YOU do the same workout I now do, you probably won't get the same results that I do.
In my book on Paleolithic HIIT, I show you a step by step training system that will get you in my position as quickly as possible, so you can blast off those man boobs and any body fat with a few super fast sprints a few times a week.
The step by step training system in Paleolithic HIIT is designed to take you from novice to intermediate to expert as quickly as possible.
Sure, these workouts take a little longer than just 10 minutes (and you WILL have to shower when you're done), but if you put in the time and effort now, you'll build this powerful body that can launch itself up that hill like a ROCKET.
See, once you've built a body that can generate some serious power, it gets EASY to burn fat and shrink man boobs, simply because you're able to seriously boost man boob shrinking and fat burning hormones like testosterone with such a short workout.
So that I can get more glowing reviews for this program, I'm giving it away at half off for a limited time:
Tap here to see how much time is left (if any)
Pick up a copy of Paleolithic HIIT at half off, get started on building that powerful body, then you'll know how it feels to be in my shoes – where you are able to grow a slight belly and shrink it flat with just a handful of super powerful workouts.
P.S. If you act fast, you can grab Paleolithic HIIT for half off – but only if you make it on time before the timer runs out here:
P.P.S. If you miss the offer, it's still a great deal at full price – just $37 for something that'll help transform your body.
If you're not able to get the program for whatever reason, don't worry, you'll still see decent results using one of the various HIIT routines you can find online. You may not get results as fast or as surely as you will with my program, but as long as you get there eventually, that's what matters.