Quick reminder: If your gym is closed, you'll need to train from home.
My program, Bodyweight Chest Exercises For Losing Man Boobs, shows you the best chest exercises for losing man boobs at home.
You can get it for half off if you order right now. Sale ends 11:59pm (Central Standard Time) tonight, Sunday the 22nd of March 2020 – that's just a few hours from now, get it here:
I did my body measurements yesterday and I've unexpectedly lost quite a bit of body fat.
(It's not because I've got coronavirus by the way, I don't).
My chest skinfold thickness has gone done by 1 mm, and waist down by 2mm. My belly circumference has gone down by 1 cm, and my waist circumference down by 0.5cm.
These may not seem like huge changes, but they are if you're already lean, and especially if you haven't really been trying.
I've been stressed out by this virus, constantly running around trying to find some food for me and my parents, with all the supermarkets having been raided by idiots who think the world is coming to an end.
I haven't been able to do my full workouts for a good while now, and have switched to a low volume regimen like I recommended to you a few emails ago.
At times of stress, I usually get FATTER, but this time round I'm LOSING weight.
Do you know why?
Because I'm scared of what coronavirus could do to me if I don't look after my health.
See, one thing a modern western doctor will never tell you, is the FACT that whether you GET covid-19, how bad your symptoms are if you get it, and whether or not you DIE from it if you get it, are all largely dependent on your DIET.
The impact your diet has on your ability to prevent and fight disease, isn't some wishy-washy alternative health mumbo jumbo hearsay, it's SCIENCE.
Unfortunately, modern doctors ignore most of the science out there, because they've been brainwashed by the big pharmaceutical companies into believing that the only science that counts, is the big randomized controlled, double-blind, placebo controlled, human clinical trials, that are so expensive, they can only be afforded by big pharmaceutical companies with big budgets and a patented drug they can sell to the public for decades.
That's why you've got all these idiot officials and “experts”, including doctors, going around and saying the only way to prevent covid-19 is to physically avoid the bug, and the only thing you can do if you get covid-19, is to self-isolate and hope for the best.
If you go on PubMed (a search engine for biomedical literature), you'll find countless SCIENTIFIC studies that show natural health foods can help fight against viral illness.
I wrote previously about how both curcumin from turmeric and coconut oil have powerful antiviral properties and are great candidates for helping us all against this new coronavirus threat.
It's the MICRONUTRIENTS in food that help boost our immune system and better equip it to deal with outside threats like viruses.
If your immune system was an army, you could look at micronutrients in food as providing the weapons, armor, and food for that army. Without it, you've got a weak, pathetic, hungry army that can't defend you against squat.
When you KNOW this, when you do enough research to know that this is true, then when faced with a deadly global threat like coronavirus, you'll find yourself, like me, reaching for health-boosting foods at every opportunity.
If you choose your health-boosting foods wisely, you can also maximize the fat burning and man boob busting effect at the same time.
Turmeric for example, is not only one of the most powerful natural anti-viral agents, it's also a powerful anti-estrogen, which means it can help shrink man boobs.
Coconut oil is not only known to help fight viral illness, but it's also one of the best known fat busters around.
When it comes to micronutrient dense FRUIT for example, I mentioned in a previous article how grapes, watermelons, and pomegranate, are not only micronutrient dense, but some studies have found that they may help both reduce body fat AND boost testosterone.
So why not make THESE 3 fruit the ones you always keep in your fridge and eat daily?
Grapes are high in resveratrol. Resveratrol was found in a study of 18 natural anti-viral agents, to be the second most potent anti-viral after curcumin from turmeric.
I've noticed from scientific studies, that fruit JUICES make you either GAIN weight or have NO EFFECT on your weight. That's because juices are stripped of fiber, and the commercial stuff at the supermarkets are pasteurised, which destroys many of the micronutrients.
But get this.
In one study, researchers discovered that pomegranate juice REDUCED fat mass in the study participants.
If pomegranate can help reduce body fat in JUICE form, imagine what it could do if you had the whole fruit in its natural state.
So yeah, the right foods can help protect you from coronavirus, and if you pick them wisely, they can help you lose bodyfat and man boobs at the same time.
And the fear of coronavirus gives you all the motivation you need to help keep you on track with your diet, and if this thing lasts long enough, it could see you to a lean physique and man boob free body by the time the summer sun comes in and knocks this virus out of modern civilization and into the history books.
Quick reminder: If your gym is closed, you'll need to train from home.
My program, Bodyweight Chest Exercises For Losing Man Boobs, shows you the best chest exercises for losing man boobs at home.
You can get it for half off if you order right now. Sale ends 11:59pm (Central Standard Time) tonight, Sunday the 22nd of March 2020 – that's just a few hours from now, get it here: